Nobody Knows, Nobody Cares, The Local De Facto Government Is Back in Session At The Civic Center:6/8/2022 Don't forget to vote and I voted are the go to slogans commonly used by the plebians who pretend to give a shit on election days. Let's be honest though, apart from filling in some bubbles next to names on a sheet of paper once every couple years or so do people actually care? If you asked your friends and neighbors to name people on their Town Council or County Board of Supervisors what would they say? Most likely you would invoke a blank slated face and the sound of crickets would suddenly fill the awkward situation you put your friend or neighbor in by asking such a ridiculous question. Nobody knows, nobody cares apart from election days. Even then, most people don't vote anymore. So long as the bread and circus continues and the United States Inc. can maintain the unsustainable standard of living enjoyed by blissfully ignorant American plebians, the nobody cares mantra will remain the norm. For the average person, their concept of voting means having someone else deal with all the problems. Yet, despite the obvious, that there are more problems than ever before... people still seem to think government solves problems when the exact opposite is the truth. All government does is create problems. You see, a government that solves problems is like a pharmaceutical company curing a disease.. It simply does not happen because it would be bad for business. Sure, a pharmaceutical company might create a product that lessens the symptoms of one ailment but not without creating a whole slew of new health side effects. The same is true of government. Pretend to solve one problem that creates more problems so they can justify their existence. More problems, more crises, more emergencies is good business for government. Granted, most of the people in government are so incredibly stupid they don't realize they are the problem. They consistently feed their indoctrination with regular ass slapping and proclamations of appreciation. Ensuring to themselves that there could be no other possible reality. Need I remind them, nobody knows and nobody cares? The De Facto Mono County government is back to in-person meetings. The in-person part which means not on a web cam is still optional. Only 3 out of 5 board of supervisors opted to attend the meeting in person at the massive 33,000 square foot Mono County Civic Center. Curious number that 33,000 square feet... Why not 30,000 or 31,000 or 32,422 or any other number for that matter? I guess its no secret that a lot of these government gang members fancy themselves as part of some kind of superior class of "in the know" type societies. The number 33 is often associated in far out conspiracy theories that involve masonic and satanic cult organizations. There is also a biblical significance to many numbers including the number 33. We are not going to go down that whole shabang in this article but it is something we can't ignore. Especially when you take into consideration that Mono County Inc. spent $20.5 million dollars to build the 33,000 square foot civic center. What! $20.5 million dollars? Yeah, you read that right. They made it extra nice for all the plebians clamoring to take part in government meetings! Except there were no plebs clamoring to get into the civic center to attend the board meeting on June 7. The only people at the government meeting were people in the government, as is par for the course. In fact, almost nobody who does not work in or for the local de facto government even knows there is a civic center in Mammoth Lakes. Most locals have no clue that their taxes funded a $20.5 million dollar civic center so lifelong parasites such as Bob Gardner, Bob Lawton, Ingrid Braun, and Stacey Simon could feed their narcissistic delusions of self worth. News flash government scum! Nobody knows, nobody cares! Until they do... and when the plebs are forced to start caring you will finally get your audience clamoring to get into the civic center. Unfortunately for you, they won't be there to give applause and pat you on the back in recognition of all your great accomplishments like your fellow gang members routinely do. I for one will miss the zoom meetings. Those zoom boxes that oh so fittingly resemble prison cells containing the mad men and mad women who fancy themselves as leaders. Their new normal of Zoom prison cells are being swapped out for a 33,000 square foot government echo chamber. The perfect place where they can seal their mental illness of grandiosity.
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