![]() Whether or not we like it, discrimination is part of life. People discriminate all the time. Some forms of discrimination go relatively unnoticed. Other times it can not be ignored. Discrimination can be a good thing or bad thing. But there are some forms of discrimination that are unlawful. Unlawful discrimination includes making hiring and firing decisions based on one's ethnicity, age, race, gender, culture, political affiliation, religion etc. Another example of unlawful discrimination is when a place of business open to the public denies someone equal access to goods or services based on their ethnicity, age, race, gender, culture, political affiliation, religion, etc. Anti-discrimination laws are designed to protect people from being treated differently because of who they are and what they believe. Many people view anti-discrimination laws as government overreach in private business operations. They will argue that the government has no right to tell them who they can or can not do business with. It's a private business, if you don't like our rules go somewhere else. In a more perfect world, with legitimate free markets, no banking class, virtually no government at all, or in a country with a completely homogeneous demographic, discriminating about who you do business with makes sense. Unfortunately, the world is far from perfect and America is considered a melting pot of demographics and also has a massive government that makes the USSR look like it was sustainable. Therefore, in the interests of keeping the peace and preventing warfare between business owners, it makes sense to have a standard operating procedure when a business is open to the public. Regardless if you agree or not with anti-discrimination laws, they are a thing. For now. California is considered to have the most comprehensive anti-discrimination laws of any state in the nation. The Ralph Civil Rights Act, the Tom Bane Civil Rights Act, and the Unruh Civil Rights Act are three examples of California taking anti-discrimination laws further than those of other state and federal laws. All three civil right acts have built in civil penalties of up to $25,000 to deter acts of discrimination and any attempts to deprive someone of their rights. The civil penalty is a way to bring justice in the form of financial compensation when these civil rights laws are broken. If you read through these civil rights acts you will see they mention how an attorney general, district attorney, or city attorney may take up the case on behalf of someone who was discriminated against. I will call them government attorneys. The reason behind this is because many people who encounter a criminal action against them do not have the financial or legal means to file a lawsuit against the perpetrator(s). Somehow, a government attorney has no accountability if they discriminate against someone that faced a criminal action against them. A perfect example of laws for ye but not for me built right into the legal system. Government attorneys throughout the country can unlawfully discriminate against the very people they were (s)elected to serve. Let's say you are an LGBTQAI+ clown robot whose self hate manifests as forcing society to accept you. One day a big bad white man decides to smash your face in because he absolutely despises clown robots. The government attorney can take a look at your case and straight up throw those pesky civil rights laws to the curb because he also hates clown robots. You read that right, a government attorney does not have to follow anti-discrimination laws or whether they prosecute on your behalf. They can discriminate with impunity, in violation of the law. If you don't have the financial or legal means to bring litigation against your attacker then you are out of luck and out of justice. Fortunately for you Mr/Ms/Hers/Her/They/Their/Dr clown robot, you are in luck. The de facto government absolutely loves clown robots and will quickly come to your aid without hesitation. Although, one would never know if they only pretend to tolerate you because they are forced to. They are bound to an agenda pushed by those higher up the chain of command which embraces a communistic approach to government. They call it JEDI (justice, equity, diversity, inclusion) and use it as a trojan horse to target their biggest enemies. Freedom, liberty, private property, justice for all, and anyone who is not part of the cult of statist chattle. Maybe another discrimination example is in order here. One from the other side of the fence to help make the "its just a mask", "its just an experimental injection" crowd get the point. Mpox formerly known as Monkeypox is the perfect way to help you understand what discriminating about discrimination is all about. Monkeypox is supposedly a virus that is spreading due to the LGBTQAI+ clown robots being extremely equitable with their butt holes. The World Health Organization declared Monkeypox a public health emergency. In the interest of slowing the spread of monkeypox, clown robots are no longer allowed access to businesses or pubic transportation without wearing an N-95 mask over their butt holes. If you do not follow these orders you will be fined, penalized, and quarantined. We can't prove that you are a public health threat but you better fucking do what we tell you or else. Don't worry, we have an experimental monkeypox vaccine in the works. All clown robots will be required to show proof of monkeypox vaccination in order to enter a place of business, use public transportation, or for international travel. By the way.. the monkeypox vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission and it will sterilize all clown robots. Did that make the point? I think so. Clown robots have brains right? The Ralph Civil Rights Act and The Tom Bane Civil Rights Act are regularly cited in litigation against police officers and other government agents. In fact, a lot of discrimination, deprivation of rights, and hate crimes are committed by government employees. One such example occurred in 2020. Stacey Simon, head of the Mono County Inc. legal counsel drafted legislation on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for Covid-19 administrative penalties and procedures. In this legislation the de facto Mono County Inc. and their legal counsel attempted to deprive people of their rights under color of law with threats, intimidation, and coercion through fines, penalties and forced quarantine imprisonment. A violation of the Tom Bane Civil Rights Act. Quoted below are sections taken from a draft of the Covid-19 administrative penalties and procedures. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE: "C. Issuance of administrative penalties provides a significant deterrent to violating Public Health Orders respecting COVID-19, will help promote compliance with contact tracing and any resulting isolation and quarantine orders, social distancing requirements, the wearing of facial coverings and other means of controlling the spread of COVID-19. " VIOLATION AND ENFORCEMENT: C. County Discretion. Use of this Ordinance shall be at the sole discretion of the County, its officers, agents and employees ISSUANCE OF CITATION; PENALTY AMOUNTS: B. Issuance of Citation. Any Responsible Party violating any provision of a COVID-19 Order may be issued an Administrative Citation by an Enforcement Officer. The Enforcement Officer may issue a Citation for a violation not committed in his or her presence, if he or she determines through investigation, including but not limited to credible input from County staff, that the Responsible Party did commit or is otherwise responsible for the violation. E. Penalty Amount – Non-commercial Activity. The civil penalty for each violation involving a non-commercial activity shall be a fine not to exceed $250. F. Penalty Amount – Commercial Activity. The civil penalty for each violation involving a commercial activity shall be a fine not to exceed $500 for the first occurrence, $1000 for the second occurrence and $2,000 for each subsequent occurrence. [Translation - You must obey our orders! The county officers, agents, and employees will discriminate with impunity! You will obey our demands or you will be fined and quarantined! Screw your religion, screw your beliefs, screw your health, screw your rights, screw your freedom, screw your private property, screw your livelihood! To hell with people like you who do not follow our orders! We will make you pay for your non-compliance!] This piece of legislation drafted by the de facto Mono County agents is full blown discrimination. A clear attempt to deprive people of their rights under color of law. After some alterations to the above sections, this legislation eventually passed with 4/5 votes. 4 more violations of the Tom Bane Civil Rights Act. 4 x roughly 13,000 people in the county whose rights were attempted to be interfered with by threats, intimidation, coercion, fines, penalties, and quarantines. That is a shit ton of Bane Act violations! Let's be honest though, most of the people in Mono County don't give a shit about their rights. They willingly comply with whatever the government and media tell them to do. Even when they don't agree. This doesn't change the fact that the laws that protect their rights were violated. They have the right to seek civil charges and damages down the road if they so choose. There are no statute of limitations for public officials that commit crimes while in office. Eventually all those soulless lawyers throughout the state will jump on the easy money train of Bane Act violations throughout 2020 and 2021. Just a matter of setting the precedent, which is not an easy task when nearly the entire government and B.A.R. association is in cahoots. In a recent Mono County Inc. board meeting, one of the agenda items pertained to a Mono County Social Media Policy. They are attempting to set perimeters for how a county employee may communicate on their personal social media accounts when it is work related. Wait... what about the 1st amendment and the whole "shall make no law respecting free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech"? Well according to Stacey Simon, they are not violating the first amendment. They are only reminding people of the "boundaries of the first amendment", recommending things and setting "best practices". However, if your speech is considered discrimination or harassment etc, then the county can step in and take action against you as your employer. What the... that doesn't sound right. The government which is bound to adhere to the first amendment is setting boundaries on the 1st amendment? Since when is it legal for a government to set boundaries on the first amendment for county employees? Now you know for sure its not your local government, just a corporation masquerading as your government. So the same individuals involved in discriminatory and hate promoting Covid-19 policies are now playing the discrimination and harassment card when it comes to county employees social media accounts. Let's say you work for Mono County Inc. One day Bob Lawton and Bob Gardner are bare-assed on the copy machines bragging about getting their 6th booster and they start talking shit about anyone who is not fully vaccinated. Later that day, you call them out on your personal social media page for being the assholes they are. The county can then take disciplinary action against you. In another example, let's say you don't like what the government is doing and speak out against it... you are subject to disciplinary action. Stacey Simon is attempting to deprive county employees of their right to free speech with threat and intimidation by disciplinary action. Gotta keep those order followers following orders somehow eh? On a slightly different tune, but same subject, Stacey Simon is discriminating about discrimination. When a county employee's communication is considered discriminatory or harassment, the county can take disciplinary action. But when Stacey Simon, Bob Lawton, and the de facto Mono County Board of Supervisors draft legislation that is discriminatory, NO BIG DEAL! The clip below on the left shows an example of discrimination sponsored by the individuals who run Mono County Inc. Dubbed the Rosa Parks moment of the eastern sierra, in an act of defiance few dared to take, Good Citizen unveils his face on public transportation in protest of the mask policy. The result of his action singled him out, putting his safety in jeopardy from other passengers on the bus who lashed out against him. The hatred in their voices was palpable. One man even encouraged the police to commit an act of violence against Good Citizen. The bus driver demanded he put on his mask and denied him service without even considering the exemptions in the governors order. A violation of the Tom Bane Civil Rights Act. The de facto Mono County officials, along with the leadership at Eastern Sierra Transit conspired against the rights of everyone who would not or could not wear a mask. In part by a one sided policy which did not emphasize mask exemptions or individual rights. Their conspiracy against rights turned to deprivation of rights when they denied equal access. Whether it be for religious, health, age, science, constitutional reasons, exemptions be damned! As the Caltrans District 9 changeable message sign that was contracted out by the Town of Mammoth Lakes on highway 203 said... MASK REQUIRED! The clip below on the right shows Stacey Simon discuss what she considers to be the "boundaries" of the 1st amendment and how they relate to a county employee's personal social media account. In stark contrast to her highly discriminatory hate and harassment promoting Covid-19 policies, Stacey Simon labels discrimination and harassment as a violation of the law.
![]() On October 31 2022, an article in The Atlantic, by Brown University economist Emily Oster asking for "pandemic amnesty" went VIRAL. If for some reason you have not heard about it yet, the quote below is the premise of the article: "We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID" Oster's article asking for pandemic amnesty has sparked outrage among those who opposed Covid-19 government tyranny and their fascist counterparts in the private sector. The vast majority of humanity embraced the false claims and fear mongering by the media and government without question. Now they ask for amnesty? The majority of humans demonstrated they adhere to a group think mentality akin to a common barn animal. Chattle. Their favorite game to play is called "The Governor Says". This chattle cult of government put on a disgusting display of human fallacy which undoubtedly rekindled the concept of a superior master race. On one side of the equation is a human race that boasts qualities such as independence, critical thinking, and a set of morals and values with the integrity to back them up. On the other side of the equation, is a human race that is seemingly incapable of critical thinking or independence, and let whomever they perceive as authority dictate what is moral and what to value. The cream of the crop, high-grade, golden eggs on one side of the fence and the shit left over, low-grade, rotten eggs on the other side. The grass is truly greener on the side of the master race! Did the Nazi's get it right? Speaking as someone in the cream of the crop, the actions of my fellow humans have definitely forced me to reconsider this question. No, the Nazi's did not get it right. However, the actions and behavior of my fellow humans over the last few years have proven without a doubt, indeed there is, a master race! The Nazi's idea of the master race was far to narrow and exclusive to be taken seriously. The color of one's skin, the language and culture they identify with are not qualities that define the master race. Those of us who makeup the master race come in many colors, races, and cultures. Our superior qualities transcend petty surface level differences. We are the real shepherds when the going gets tough. We set the bar for the forces of good. We are the true sons and daughters of freedom, the ones who will get the job done. Unlike that low-grade sellout Willy Nelson. Right, so back to what was intended to be the main focus of this article... Given the topic at hand however, the chattle asking for pandemic amnesty, I felt it pertinent to start this article by informing most of you reading it about your inferior sub-human status, and that I am your superior. Read on plebs... And salutes to my fellow master race! When I first heard about this Covid amnesty article by Emily Oster I was a little suspicious about whether this was an organic idea by Oster or a more sinister backfire operation. What is a backfire operation? A backfire is a tactic used in fighting wild fires, where firefighters intentionally start one or more fires in order to burn fuel in the path of an uncontrolled fire. The idea is to sap the uncontrolled wild fire hampering its momentum. The same tactic can be applied to psychological operations or grassroots movements. Start a backfire, in this case, in the form of an article that covers a controversial hot topic. An article capable of hampering the wild fire burning naturally in the hearts and minds of the master race. That inner fire burning naturally toward the culprits in the media and government responsible for the crimes of the plandemic. Boom! All of the sudden that momentum shifts from the media and government culprits to some tool named Emily Oster nobody's heard of before. Was it an organic idea for an article that would surely attract attention? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, this pandemic amnesty article has generated a lot of discussion. Many good people appear to have had their inner fires hampered or even defused. Some opting to forgive. Luckily, it appears this pandemic amnesty article has also caused many to add fuel to their fires! The fact is, the average pure blood master race Joe's and Jane's context for pandemic amnesty applies mostly to friends, family, and colleagues. A much smaller percentage of the pure blood master race understands the blame lies with the ones who perpetrated the crimes of the plandemic. The truly enlightened members of the master race recognize where to focus their fire. Toward the ones who created, ordered, followed, and enforced criminal policies. Every single rotten egg in the government and media who went along with these crimes must be held accountable! Even the ones who turned a blind eye while these crimes were committed! For those who may not know. As a member of the high-grade human race, we are still dealing with the collateral damage caused by the majority of shit left over humans. Kind of like in the movie Twins. Where Arnold Schwarzenegger (now known as screw your freedoms Arnold, a rotten egg) who represents the master race, is forced to deal the with mess his shit left over twin brother Danny DeVito creates. Yeah, kinda like that. Except poor Danny DeVito had a legitimate excuse for his rotten ways. Plus he repented in the end and earned his status as a superior human. Unlike you sub-human losers. Back in 2020 I tried to prevent collateral damage when I asked the local government to emphasize people's right to not wear a mask in order to prevent conflict and violence. less than a week after they implemented the mask policy in May 2020, the assistant manager at Rite Aid denied me service and threatened me with violence for not wearing a mask. Given my superior qualities, I really did not have much of a choice but to petition the government for redress of grievances. Lest I become a second class citizen to the shit left over. Low-grade chattle humans lost their shit over the invisible enemy like they were born for it. You know people actually died over mask policies right? Crazy huh? Luckily no deaths over masks occurred in Mono County, but it was getting there. For example, a low-grade human Covid fascist who works at Green Fox Events in Mammoth Lakes (I won't name names) wanted the national guard deployed in front of the Vons to enforce the mask policy. Daaammn, that bitch be cray cray! Let me tell ya, it's not all gravy being part of the master race. With superior humanity comes superior responsibility. I still regret not dressing up like the Grim Reaper to greet low-grade humans who were lining up in their cars eagerly waiting to get shot up by a stranger with mystery juice in the parking lot. On the flip side, do these low-grade humans have any regrets? Are they capable of having regret? Are they really all sociopaths? I wouldn't at all be surprised if the shit left over crowd's only regret was not starting a civil war over "vaccine" status. Also in January 2021, I warned people that the injections were experimental, potentially dangerous, and that they did not prevent infection or transmission. This was in response to the rotten eggs in government who were making false medical claims that the injections had a 95% efficacy rate and would put an end to the plandemic nightmare. Fast forward to the present and victims of medical rape, like Jack Lunch over at The Sheet, are still defending those who raped them. Granted, he will likely argue it was consensual and that the people who stuck it in him deep three times wore protection. Sadly, he has yet to understand the media and government slipped him a psychosis roofie during the lock down and the effects are still lingering. Hopefully Jack Lunch and others like him will realize it can't be consensual if you don't get informed consent. Perhaps they will even join the effort to seek justice? Perhaps they will recognize their errors and choose to pursue the qualities which embody that of the master race. Do they have what it takes to be part of the master race? Albeit without pure blood of course. Yep, golden eggs such as myself were promoting informed consent and speaking truth to the lies perpetrated by the scumbag shit left over humans in government. While these sub-human sick fucks were calling it the new normal, the master race was saying fuck your new normal! Even the rotten egg in Mono County Behavioral Health, Robin Roberts, was preaching filth about Coping in a Covid World, its new normal. Trust the experts, even when they are nuts! Let me tell ya, if you want horrible life advice go spend some time with Robin Roberts and other government "health" agents. If those responsible for the crimes of the plandemic truly wish for amnesty, then it falls on them as individuals to ask for forgiveness. They are the ones who must apologize for their behavior, actions, and crimes! One low grade human's article asking for pandemic amnesty is not going to cut it. Own up to the fact that you make up the worst of humanity. You are the ones who promote hate. You are the ones who seek power and control over others while proclaiming public service. You are the order followers who pulled the levers that gassed the Jews. You are the ones who sell your souls for a paycheck and pension. You are the ones who shun the light and embrace the dark. You have shown your cards and played your hand, exposing your evil character for all who have eyes to see! Have we seen any effort made by those in the government and media to repent for their behavior, actions and crimes? NO! They will avoid being singled out at all costs. They hide behind the throngs of their fellow sub-human constituents. Aided by a corrupt B.A.R. and a prohibitive for profit justice system only accessible to the rich and well connected. These sub-human scum will never admit to their crimes against humanity. They either do not care or are incapable of caring. They do not even recognize they did anything wrong at all. Which is why it is so imperative to hold them accountable! If these dregs are not held accountable and brought to justice they will commit ever worse crimes in the future. This is not prophecy, merely a logical conclusion! Pandemic amnesty you say? Oh hell no! When they say forgive us for we did not know, I say damn them for they would not listen! You will get no forgiveness until you earn your forgiveness! When justice has been served! ![]() The first water born disease said to be scientifically documented is known as the Broad Street cholera outbreak of London in 1854. The so called "father of epidemiology" Dr. John Snow reportedly convinced local officials of the source of the disease outbreak by comparing water sources of disease struck households vs. healthy households, narrowing it down to a single pump on Broad Street. Since then, those in the field of epidemiology have looked to water supplies for insight into communicable diseases and how they might spread. However, the most prevalent use of wastewater based epidemiology has been focused on drug use in the population. Both as a means to monitor relative illicit drug use and the increasing use of prescription based pharmaceuticals as well as their potential impact on the environment. While cell culturing is still used today, newer methods used to detect biological and "viral" molecules have been developed. One such method is known as hybridization with radioactive cDNA probes and more recently in the 1990's, Polymerase chain reaction or PCR. In 1996, Russia began implementing systematic wastewater surveillance programs for monitoring enteroviruses, namely poliovirus. More recently, in 2020, wastewater surveillance garnered attention due to the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus. This brings us to the current iteration of wastewater surveillance. The same version of wastewater surveillance being proposed by the de facto Mono County Board of Supervisors and currently being utilized by over 30 waste water treatment plants in California. Whereby a wastewater sampling device is used to collect samples of wastewater which are sent off to a lab for PCR testing. Proponents of wastewater surveillance claim that it would help monitor levels of SARS-CoV-2 virus and other communicable diseases in the community, such as Polio. Providing information they say will help predict outbreaks. However, their claims are unsubstantiated. The most glaring and overlooked factor of wastewater surveillance in municipal water supplies involves the water supply itself. Modern municipal water supplies are generally treated with chlorine or a variation thereof, which act as powerful disenfecting agents. Water districts are required by law to maintain a minimum level of chlorine in the water supply, which is referred to as residual chlorine. The purpose of residual chlorine is to ensure any pathogens introduced into the water supply, or currently in the water supply, are "killed". Ideally making for water that is "safe" enough for consumption. Residual chlorine also interacts with excreted fecal material as soon as it enters the water supply. The purpose of the residual chlorine in this instance, is to start the disenfection process in wastewater of harmful pathogens found in human waste. For example, chlorine used in public water supplies is heralded as a major contributing factor for reducing water borne disease outbreaks, such as Cholera, Typhoid, and Polio. Polio's primary transmission method is through human fecal material and contaminated food and water. Residual chlorine in the water supply creates an oxidizing chemical reaction with pathogens. The amount of time residual chlorine interacts with material in the water supply is called the "contact time". With enough contact time, the residual chlorine will inactivate nearly all pathogens by breaking the bonds in their molecules. Viral inactivation is defined as the complete removal of virus or rendering a pathogen non-infectious. The scientific literature surrounding viral inactivation is not well established and leaves many questions unanswered. One such question being; what are the threshold differentials between viral inactivation and viral destruction? In other words, if SARS-CoV-2 and Polio virus are inactivated by 1 mg/l residual chlorine in the water supply within 15 minutes, what impact will a longer contact time have? If 15 minutes of contact time with 1 mg/l residual chlorine is ample enough to scramble the RNA in these two viruses, rendering them non-infectious, is 30 minutes of contact time ample enough to destroy their RNA altogether? According to a Mammoth Community Water District Board member, the estimated time the town wastewater takes to reach the testing site is around 2 hours, possibly longer. Assuming the test sample's are not mixing with older wastewater, they will be taken with at least two hours of residual chlorine contact time. Once the samples are taken, they are sealed and sent off to a lab, further extending the contact time. According to the MCWD water quality report of 2021, the range of residual chlorine in the water supply is .34 ppm - 1.22ppm. With an average of .87ppm. (.87 mg/l) Both the SARS-CoV-2 and Polio virus are claimed to be RNA based viruses and both are enveloped. The envelope is described as a lipid or capsid shell which acts as a protective layer for the RNA and also plays a role in the infection process. Oxidation via chlorine disrupts the cell wall of the membrane, or shell, when an electron is taken away from the molecule. During this process, the shell protecting the viral RNA begins to weaken, compromising the cellular structure, eventually breaking the barrier allowing for the constituents inside to leak out. Once the envelop is compromised, the viral RNA is exposed to the residual chlorine and also begins the oxidizing process, breaking the bonds of the RNA. The end result of residual chlorine oxidation not only causes viral inactivation but also removal through RNA destruction. As these bonds break, the RNA strands that make up the viral genomes become indistinguishable and therefore unquantifiable. Which brings us to another glaring and overlooked aspect to wastewater surveillance, the method of testing. Polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, is unfit for the purpose of wastewater surveillance. Why? PCR testing is unable to quantify levels of viral RNA in test samples. If one RNA sequence matches what the PCR test is looking for, the outcome will be a positive result. PCR test results also vary widely depending on what the cycle threshold is set to. The higher the cycle threshold, the higher instance a positive result occurs. Including false positives, which essentially means that the test detected something that is not actually there or not what the test is looking for. False positive test results can also occur from detection of naked nucleic acids. The majority of naked nucleic acids are laboratory produced and are not naturally occurring. Naked nucleic acids, also known as free nucleic acids, are foreign to nature, which is defined as a xenobiotic. Industrial production and medical products such as gene therapy vectors and vaccines are responsible for most sources of naked nucleic acids. Another source of naked nucleic acids result from the unnatural amount of chlorine in municipal water supplies interacting with biologicals. Chlorine breaks the bonds of microorganisms causing cells to burst which produces naked DNA and RNA. Naked RNA and DNA can be absorbed and incorporated into the cells of other microorganisms in a process known as horizontal gene transfer. In theory, an organism that is resistant to chlorine, such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium parasites, could uptake random naked nucleic acids, or RNA from SARS-CoV-2 and Polio. Horizontal RNA transfer could generate a positive PCR test result in wastewater samples. Naked Nucleic acids have increasingly become subject to scrutiny as environmental contaminants. Once thought to be harmless dna and rna by-products, evidence against this hypothesis is mounting. Horizontal gene transfer and recombination are taking the blame for the surge of drug and antibiotic resistant bacteria. Additionally, the PCR test can not distinguish between viable or non-viable molecules. The viral theory also supports the notion that people exposed to infectious pathogens will shed non-viable virus for months or years after infection. This is something worth taking into consideration if you disagree that virus molecules are unable to withstand the oxidizing effects of chlorine in the water supply. Simply because non-viable virus shedding will give a false impression of active pathogen levels in the community. Couple that with "vaccines" or MRNA gene therapy injection shedding and you add even more junk information into the equation. Furthermore, due to the unquantifiable nature of PCR testing, monitoring virus levels present in the community or prediction of outbreaks is not possible. Whether the PCR test detects one RNA sequence or billions of RNA sequences, it is unable to make that distinction. Therefore, accurate wastewater surveillance of pathogen levels in the community is not feasible. If accurate wastewater surveillance of pathogen levels in the community is impossible in municipal water supplies, why is there such a push to implement it? One can only speculate, but there are some interesting possibilities worth considering. Who or what has the most to gain from implementing wastewater surveillance? The government certainly comes to mind as one entity that would benefit from such a program. Using PCR testing of wastewater as a means to turn up the fear dial in a community and impose draconian policies is definitely something government tyrants desire. Among other things of course, but who or what else could benefit? The corporations involved in testing the wastewater samples are also beneficiaries of this program. More testing generates more revenue for them. Test manufacturers and laboratory financial interests are certainly in the realm of possibility. Hmmm, let's see, what other possible entities would have an interest in testing wastewater? Oohhh yeaahh... what about the manufacturers of those experimental MRNA Covid injections? Perhaps there is something in the injections these companies would be interested in finding in the wastewater samples? Could it be that the test subjects are excreting patented super shelled oxidation resistant spike proteins in their waste? Perhaps there is something else in the injections that would be able to withstand the oxidation process of the residual chlorine in the water supply? Maybe they are looking for those mechanical and crystalline objects conspiracy theorists claim are nano bot artificial intelligence? Are they looking for bioengineered fluke parasites? Woah now... that is way out there! That could not possibly be the reason there is such a push for wastewater surveillance. Could it? Regardless of the reasons there is such a push for wastewater surveillance, accurate wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 and other communicable disease in the community is not feasible for two main reasons. 1. The chlorinated water supply's role in the alteration and destruction of pathogen levels. 2. The PCR test is unfit for purpose. ![]() On August 18 2020, an application for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Cares Act Funds in the amount of $64,484 for a Microenterprise Financial and Technical Assistance Program passed unanimously. This was the top priority for, and first attempted use of CARES Act funds by the Mono County Board of Supervisors. The first thing Mono County officials prioritized spending CARES Act funds on had nothing to do with the county's Covid-19 emergency response. They could have prioritized training and or hiring nurses, EMT, ambulance response, or fortify other emergency services the county was supposedly in desperate need for in order to respond to Covid-19. However, this was not the case. Instead, the first use of CARES Act funds were allocated to Mono County Economic Development, run by Alicia Vennos and Jeff Simpson. Vennos and Simpson wanted to create a program they claimed would assist microenterprise businesses in the unincorporated county. A microenterprise is defined as a business that employs 5 or less employees. They claimed the program would provide grants of up to $10,000 to eligible businesses. Yet, the funds went unused for over two years, as no businesses applied for the funds in the program. The reason provided by Jeff Simpson as to why the funds were not utilized was the program was too complicated so no businesses wanted to apply for the "free" money. Why was the Mono County Board of Supervisors first priority to spend CARES Act funds for a business assistance program? Why wasn't the top priority to fortify emergency services in order to respond to Covid-19? Were our emergency services overwhelmed by Covid-19? Was there an actual emergency occurring due to Covid-19 in Mono County? Out of the $64,484 of CARES phase one funds for this program only around $56,000 was actually going to be available as grants for small businesses. Roughly $8,484 was to be allocated as compensation to Vennos and Simpson for administration fees. An additional $516 was for a few hours of consultant work from a Mr. Jeff Lucas, a contractor who supposedly specializes in CDBG (Community Development Block Grants). Not only was the Mono County Board of Supervisor's first priority to use CARES Act funds unrelated to emergency response, but a large chunk of the money was going to line the pockets of their colleagues in Economic Development under the guise of administration fees! A clear cut case of embezzlement if you ask me. At the County Board of Supervisors meeting on October 18, 2022 all five supervisors voted unanimously to amend the original program for the $64,484 from microenterprise grants to small business forgivable loans. This amendment to the funds does not alter the fact that using these funds is fraud. The original Microenterprise Financial and Technical Assistance Program was an attempted fraudulent use of the funds for the same reason that the small business forgivable loans program is a fraudulent use of the funds. CARES Act funds allocated to local governments by the state and federal governments have specific requirements as to how the funds may be used. According to the CARES Act guidelines, the funds MUST be used for necessary expenditures ONLY. The word "necessary" in this case, pertains to medical or public health needs as a consequence of emergency conditions due to Covid-19. A second primary requirement for using the funds is demonstrable expenses incurred as a result of Covid-19. Sure, many businesses incurred expenses due to the state and local government policy response to Covid-19, IE. lock downs, businesses restrictions, penalties etc. However, there were no emergency conditions from Covid-19 in Mono County that resulted in businesses incurring losses. Certainly, there are no emergency conditions occurring due to Covid-19 now in October 2022. Therefore, using these funds then, as it would be now, is an act of fraud. CARES Act funds that are not utilized or unable to be utilized are required to be returned to the US treasury. Any business, individual, or government entity that uses these funds is in fact accepting funds embezzled by Mono County Inc. and committing an act of fraud. ![]() I would like to convey a bit of information as to why wastewater surveillance for the alleged Covid virus and other communicable diseases is unfit for purpose. I say alleged Covid virus because the concept of respiratory viruses is only a theory, not a fact. The Mono County Department of Health claims wastewater surveillance would help measure Covid virus and other communicable disease levels present in the community but their claim is an unfounded steaming pile of excrement. My first point - 1.) According to the CDC's webpage on wasterwater surveillance, "it is not possible to reliably and accurately predict the number of infected individuals in a community based on wastewater testing." This statement from the CDC contradicts the purpose for wastewater surveillance claimed by the Mono County Department of Health. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My second point - 2.) According to the 2021 Mammoth Community Water District Consumer Confidence Report, there is an average of .87 parts per million of Residual Chlorine in the water supply. The standard amount of chlorine sufficient to kill biologicals is 0.5 PPM, as agreed by most scientists. As soon as waste enters the water supply, the residual chlorine begins to interact with the waste as well as all the accompanying bacteria and alleged Covid virus. The residual free chlorine breaks the chemical bonds of bacteria and viruses by breaking the chemical bonds in their molecules..chemically oxidizing their cell walls so that they literally 'explode'. This process destroys all the properties of the molecule. Molecules by definition are the smallest particles of a substance that retain ALL of the properties of the substance (such as RNA, DNA, Proteins Etc.) Therefore, the residual chlorine in the water supply will destroy the very RNA sequences that Covid-19 testing methods use to allegedly detect the SARS-Cov-2 virus. This negates the entire premise made by the Mono County Department of Health for wastewater surveillance to measure the levels of Covid-19 virus and other communicable diseases in the community. Any alteration and destruction of pathogen levels from residual chlorine makes accurate wastewater surveillance of pathogen levels in the community impossible. Public health officials will not be able to determine pathogen levels and related infection present in the community using wastewater surveillance. Wastewater surveillance is not fit for the purpose proposed by the Department of Health. Reactivity of Viral Nucleic Acids with Chlorine and the Impact of Virus Encapsidation Chlorine Dioxide Mode of Action on Viruses "Chlorine bleach fast-acting oxidizing agent and has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms including bacteria, bacterial spores, viruses and fungi. It quickly reacts with organic material including proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, DNA and RNA, which ultimately leads to cell death" Differences in Viral Disinfection Mechanisms as Revealed by Quantitative Transfection of Echovirus 11 Genomes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My third point - 3.) On another note, I also consider wastewater surveillance for Covid-19 virus and other communicable diseases illegal. Wastewater surveillance for Covid-19 is a medical experiment. The testing methods utilized for Covid-19 are still under Emergency Use Authorization and are not FDA approved. Therefore, experimental. Testing for Covid-19 virus with any method, is subject to the laws for medical experimentation. California Health and Safety Code - 24172, also known as the experimental subject's bill of rights is applicable. And I do not consent to any such experimentation. Even if testing methods were fully FDA approved, I do not consent to any form of government surveillance policies which intend to deprive me of my creator imbued natural rights. Such as breathing oxygen and taking a dump without government interventionism. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() In the July 30 edition of The Sheet, on page 2 & 14, Jack Lunch wrote an article titled "Fascism: A Warning" where he shares some personal details about his views on Covid-19, and related policies. The article itself is not solely about Covid-19, but more of a hodge podge of examples about the rise of fascism from the past as it relates to the current state of American politics and clashing ideologies. Although I will not be dissecting fascism in great depth, I will briefly touch on the main topic of the article. First off, to Mr. Lunch's credit, he was somewhat willing to paint fascism as a sickness that both the "left" and the "right" are predisposed to, and that is a step in the right direction. For both sides of the political spectrum are vulnerable to the state of darkness that fascism represents. Yes, it is true that many of the most well known examples of fascism happened under the guise of "leftist" concepts such as Socialism, Communism, Bolshevism etc. However, there are plenty of examples when fascism rises under the guise of "rightist" concepts such as Nationalism, Nativism, Falangism etc. The true reasons why fascism and its equally dark cousins, authoritarianism and totalitarianism are not a unique sickness of the "left" or of the "right", is because beyond the veil of political ideology lies three common denominators. Power, control, and government. Whether it is the "lefts" brand of fascism or the "rights" brand of fascism, both use government to enact their agendas. As the 19th century British politician, historian, and moralist known as Lord Acton famously said, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Regardless if it is team left or team right, team Trump or team Biden, team Bush or team Obama, team Red or team Blue, the power hungry care not which team scores the goal so they can feast on the ambrosia of power. Teams are simply a tool, a mechanism for control, used by those who inhabit the top of the pyramid. Who or what is at the top of the pyramid? Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild summarized one of the main strategies utilized for controlling power with this quote, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws". Time to transition over to Mr. Lunch's Covid-19 comments. Before I rip on this guy's obvious lack of thinking through his position on Covid-19 and related policies, I want to acknowledge something. Putting your self out there, letting your stance be known, and owning your truth are noble actions for a healthy society. We need more people who are willing to openly share their beliefs and positions on the biggest and most controversial topics of our time. We need honest and good debate. We need to listen to the scrutiny of those who disagree with us or identify with a different brand. We ought not let our emotions and feelings determine reality, but seek the truth even when it is difficult or painful to confront. So kudos to Mr. Lunch for sharing some of the details in his personal journey with Covid-19 and related policies. Ahem: JL- "here are my thoughts on Rogitz’s letter, (page 4) especially now that I have experienced Covid. As to my own recent experience with Covid, I finally came down with it post-July 4" Mr. Lunch finally experienced Covid-19 eh? Really? Mr. Lunch, are you seriously of the belief that you somehow managed to avoid getting infected with what the government and media told you was a HIGHLY contagious disease for the last two and a half years? What measures did you take that allowed you to allude the invisible enemy for so long? I am sure the health department would love to know. How do you know you finally got Covid? Let me guess, you got tested and the test told you so? Without the tests telling you what your symptoms were caused by, how would you have ever concluded that you "finally came down with it"? JL- The fear was real. At the outset, medical experts suggested a 3-4% death rate for those infected. Over time, that was not borne out. Lunch got this right, but the fear was real because of fear mongering by medical "experts" WHO suggested a 3-4% death rate for those infected based on models and assumptions, not facts. "Over time that was not borne out" comes off as Lunch's way to defend the government's policy response. By the way, the amount of time it took for the 3-4% death rate to be borne out was less than a month. Yet government imposed their extreme policies for a year and a half + and still cling to their emergency declarations. Lunch was on team Covid fascist and did nothing to oppose it. Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson that it is a horrible idea for government to implement and impose policies based on assumptions and speculations. JL- "Myself, I read Alex Berenson’s book “Pandemia” late last year and that certainly changed my perspective on the pandemic." I admittedly have not read Alex Berenson's book, in fact I have never heard of him before I read Mr. Lunch's article. I did a little research on him and he is labeled as on the "right" and is considered very critical of the governments Covid-19 policies. I liken him to other Covid-19 promoters on the "right" with similar positions such as Chris Martenson and Dr. Mercola. They all feed the notion that there was/is indeed a pandemic due to a novel Coronavirus. So long as actors on the "right" and actors on the "left" legitimize Covid-19 by focusing on the policies and not question the lack of evidence that a pandemic actually occurred, they are serving those at the top of the pyramid. Knowingly or unknowingly. Why don't these Covid-19 promoters show proof of a laboratory confirmed, isolated, purified and identified SARS-CoV-2 virus? The fact checkers tell us there are samples being studied everywhere, yet FOIA requests across the world tell us otherwise. What about those fraudulent tests that everyone uses to "confirm" they had Covid? Does Alex Berenson's book cover that? Such a pity that you had to read Alex Berenson's book, which released in Nov 2021, to come to some of the same conclusions many of us reached as early as April-May 2020. JL- "for the record, I am vaxxed and boosted. I had decided against the second booster after reading Mr. Berenson’s book. But now I am reconsidering. Why? Because when I got my shots, they’d lay me out for about a day or so. But when you have Covid, and if you have sensitivity towards fellow human beings, you’re really out of commission for 5-7 days (when you’re infectious) and some symptoms lingered for me beyond that window." This part is quite insightful. I have struggled to understand how people can actually justify injecting themselves with these experimental substances. Every little bit of insight given by those willing to take the mystery juice is welcome. So Lunch claims he got Covid, even though he got vaxxed and boosted once... and Pandemia gave him second thoughts about getting the second booster but he is now reconsidering... because the shots lay him out for a day or so vs. the 5-7 days if he gets Covid. WHAT? The logic behind this thought process is bogus dude. You need to think this one through a little more Mr. Lunch. How can you argue that getting the second booster will only lay you out for a day or so vs the 5-7 days when you still allegedly got Covid after getting injected bro? The injections do not prevent you from testing positive for Covid. Let me reiterate that, even if you opt to get that second booster, you will get laid out for a day or so and still potentially test positive for Covid. You are not thinking clearly. Sounds like you bought the lie that the injections prevent infection and transmission of disease, even after your own lived experience proved that it is not true. Do you realize that means you never got informed consent? JL- "One day versus 5-7 days - I no longer approach Covid from a fear perspective so much as from a practical perspective. What affords me the least amount of time on the sidelines? What affords me the best means to protect those whom I come in contact with?" Lunch got mind raped hard by the narrative shapers and still can't shake it. What affords you the least amount of time on the sidelines? Definitely not those Covid-19 injections, that is for sure! You even admitted you had symptoms beyond 5-7 days even after three injections! What affords you the best means to protect those whom you come in contact with? Definitely not those Covid-19 injections, that is for sure! How many boosters are you gonna take before you realize they don't do jack, Jack? Actually, I am pretty sure they do something, just not what was advertised... You know those folk at the top of the pyramid I mentioned earlier? Well they think the world is overpopulated bro. They think there are too many people using too much stuff bro. They think there is a climate crisis caused by you, me and the landscapers using lawn mowers and leaf blowers. They also think there are too many people like me who think for ourselves and are a threat to their power and control bro. Yeah, there is definitely a reason why they pushed those injections like it was the final solution. I mean, the world was in total cahoots for masks, tests, and injections... almost like there was some ultra powerful group dishing out orders to every country around the world. Naaah, that's just crazy talk. JL- "As for all the dust-up regarding masks ... yeah, I’m not too convinced they’re super-effective. But as Berenson wrote, he thinks health officials continued to push mask use for psychological reasons - that seeing a mask was a reminder of potential danger, a reminder not to get too close for too long." Yep. The masks are not effective at what they are claimed to be effective at. However, they are super effective for other reasons. Berenson is correct, the masks were pushed for psychological reasons. Masks take the psychological phenomenon of the invisible enemy from intangible to tangible. If everyone is wearing masks, then it must be real! Even though we are all slamming the Walmart's like there is no pandemic, the masks and tests tell us there is! This sure is one great dissection on injections, detection, and infections, if I do say so myself. Thanks for reading! ![]() [Way back in mid May of 2020, Operation Warp Speed was initiated under the Trump administration. Operation Warp Speed is a military operation that worked closely with pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Johnson and Jansen, AstraZeneca, Novavax, Merck, Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline, and gene therapy company Moderna, with the stated goal to expedite a Covid-19 vaccine. This was quite a lofty goal, as throughout prior decades of research and development, no vaccine for coronaviruses have ever been successful in preventing infection or transmission of disease. Yet an even more ambitious goal, was the amount of time these big pharma and gene therapy companies were supposedly given to develop these injectables. Typically, a vaccine takes 10-15 years or longer of research and development. Operation Warp Speed was set to change this and develop a vaccine for Covid-19 so incredibly quickly that it would be faster than the speed of light compared to previous vaccine development. The injections were sold to the public as the final solution to end the alleged pandemic. In January 2021 Bryan Wheeler stated the experimental injections were, "a huge game changer for us", and, "the state is of the same belief as myself that the vaccine is really the way out of this at this point". Wheeler said this even though the Health Officer at the time Tom Boo, said that there was not enough evidence the "vaccines" would prevent transmission of disease for the alleged original variant SARS-CoV-2 Alpha. Shortly thereafter, the public was blasted by media and government with false claims that the "vaccines" had a 95% efficacy. Fast forward to the present, over two years after Operation Warp Speed began, and the majority of the public have subjected themselves to 1, 2, 3, 4, and counting injections and the alleged pandemic is still ongoing.] The local de facto government is once again making false medical claims and misrepresenting medical information. On page 7 of the July 16 edition of The Sheet newspaper, Mono County Health Officer, Dr. Caryn Slack, made false claims about masks, testing, and Covid-19 injections. She falsely claimed that wearing a mask indoors in public, staying up-to-date with Covid-19 vaccines, and getting tested if you have symptoms are PROVEN to reduce spread of infection. None of these claims are substantiated. Yeah yeah yeah, all you sour breath mask fanatics who will never be able to break your cognitive dissonance just tuned out into your safe space after reading that. You know what, go ahead and keep on believing your masks prevent the spread of disease. Good riddance, if you want to wear those disgusting, vile, useless and dehumanizing muzzles then have at it, but don't you dare push your poison injections on the public under false claims! The claim that getting tested is proven to reduce spread of infection is also false. Regardless of the fact that the tests are purely a fraud scheme, as has been established in this blog with the help of information directly from the de facto Mono County Health Department, the tests are not proven to reduce the spread of infection. To start, the turn-around time from the tests being taken to shipping them off to a lab, to getting results is days to weeks in most cases. Even if the test results were instant and it gave a positive result, you should already have symptoms, (hence why Caryn Slack said "get tested IF you have SYMPTOMS") therefore, already be taking the actions the de facto Health Department would ask you to take with a positive test result. You are a good, compliant and docile chattle after all, aren't you? Getting tested is not a proactive measure that reduces spread of infection. Taking a test is a reactionary measure designed to generate a "case", and is not proven to reduce the spread of infection. But but but, asymptomatic spread! Yeah, you still believe that lie? Asymptomatic spread is also an unsubstantiated claim. Don't believe me? Why don't you ask Dr. Fauci! Alright, on to the bigger crime here. Claiming that staying up-to-date with Covid-19 "vaccines" is a mitigating practice proven to reduce spread of infection is without a doubt a false claim that misrepresents medical information. Mono County Officials, up to this point, as far as I know, have avoided making this claim since May of 2020 when the Operation Warp Speed injection campaign was initiated. The reason they avoided making this claim is because there is no evidence that conclusively demonstrates the Covid-19 injections prevent the spread of infection or transmission of disease. I am not the one saying this people. The de facto Mono County officials are. They know what I know. The clinical trials data for these Covid-19 injections showed no evidence that they could prevent infection or transmission of disease. The only claim made in the clinical trials data was that these injections would act as a therapy by way of introducing a spike protein into the body which would then produce anti-bodies supposedly reducing symptom severity. That is what the injections are claimed to do, reduce symptom severity. This is not the first instance of the de facto Mono County Officials making false claims and misrepresenting information about these injections. In August 2021, Bryan Wheeler and Jennifer Kreitz promoted to the public, under false claims, that the injections would prevent 99.99% of severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths. Making false medical claims and knowingly misrepresenting medical information are serious crimes. Even if someone makes a false claim by mistake but is in a position whereby they should know the facts surrounding the topic of the claim, it is still considered a felony. Dr. Caryn Slack has the contract title of Mono County Health Officer, and has no excuse for her criminal false claims. The vast majority of the public view her as an authority on these health matters and therefore she has substantial influence. Anyone who read Caryn Slacks false claims in The Sheet newspaper might be under the misconception that getting a Covid-19 injection will reduce spread of infection. Caryn Slack is under contract and receives payment and approval from Mono County Inc. to provide medical information to the public. If someone gets a Covid-19 injection under a misconception due to false claims by Health Officer Slack and it results in adverse reactions, the person making the false claims and Mono County Inc. are liable for damages. False medical claims constitute fraud and therefore also indict Mono County Inc. The severity of these actions deepens when you factor in the conflict of interests that exist between Caryn Slack, Mono County Inc, CALPERS, and the financial investments that incentivize them to promote Covid-19 mitigating measures of masks, tests, and injections. Fraud nullifies qualified immunity for all de facto government officials involved. This includes those who are in dereliction of duty, failing to enforce or report a crime, and or conspiring to prevent due process of law. All of which have a financial incentive to look the other way via their CALPERS pension investments. A further investigation would need to be conducted to find out if any of these individuals have personal investments in the companies benefiting from Covid-19 policies. Okay, so who has the job to hold people in the de facto government responsible for making false claims and misrepresenting information? The District Attorney's Office is supposed to handle these matters but they have no comment thus far. Alright, so it must be someone else's job then? According to the de facto Sheriff Ingrid Braun's Civil Department, a one man operation by Deputy Custer, it is not his job to enforce these crimes either. Deputy Custer claimed he does not enforce most felonies or civil crimes that involve federal laws. Although, there are also state laws for making false claims and misrepresenting information, Custer insisted that it is a matter of two different opinions and it needs to be ruled on in court. Even though the person who made the false claims contradicted the previous claims by Mono County Health Department officials and all I am doing is pointing this out. Apparently, deputy Custer believes the job and responsibility falls on me to look after the public's well being, get a lawyer and pay a massive legal bill to get these criminal allegations ruled on in court. Since when is reporting a crime a matter of opinion and not a law enforcement responsibility? He ended our 25ish minute phone conversation by telling me I should try finding someone on a federal level to help me. So that is exactly what I did. I emailed the US Inc. Department of Justice Criminal Division with the details and left a phone message on the Federal Trade Commissions answering machine at their Los Angeles office. So far no response from either of them. I decided to call the FBI and see if they could be of assistance in this matter. The first FBI crime reporting operator I spoke with was of little help. I gave her the details about the crime, that our county Health Officer had made false claims in contradiction to prior claims in a public newspaper. When I mentioned the specifics about the injections not preventing the spread of disease or transmission she promptly interjected with, "report this to your local health department and the CDC" and then hung up on me. What a shining example of de facto government ethics and professionalism for an FBI operator tasked with reporting crimes to tell me to report the crime to the very entity that I am alleging committed the crime! Brilliant! She clearly had a cognitive dissonance emotional response to hearing the truth about the injections. Anyway, I did not let that deter me, as my expectations of anyone in the criminal organizations that work for US Inc. are incredibly low. I eventually got in touch with another FBI operator who I made a formal complaint to about the last FBI operator who hung up on me. This FBI operator made it through my allegations and claimed he would report it to the investigations department, albeit hesitantly and with hostility in his voice. Yep, I have done my part to report these serious criminal allegations to all the possible and relevant authorities. Only a matter of time now before justice plays out right? Riiiggghhht... The timing of Health Officer Slacks false claim that Covid-19 injections are proven to reduce spread of infection could not have been worse. Shortly after her statements in The Sheet, news broke that Covid-19 injected and twice boosted President Joe Biden had allegedly tested positive. Dr. Birx, who was the Covid-19 coordinator for the Trump administration also contradicted the information from Caryn Slack. In a recent interview on Fox News Dr. Birx admitted that she knew Covid "vaccines" would not protect against infection. Can you handle the truth? Were you mislead into believing the Covid-19 injections prevented infection and transmission? Did you get Covid-19 injections under misconception because of false claims and misrepresentation of medical information from so called health officials? Are you angry that you were lied to? Join Mono County Assembly to get justice for the crimes committed against you and your loved ones. Help us hold these criminals accountable!
![]() De facto Mono County officials discussed the decision to transition the county Coronavirus portal data over to the California Department of Health webpage. All the data the county has on the current portal website will still be available, the only real change is in location. One of the factors that contributed to the transition, as stated by de facto Board of Supervisor, Stacy Corless, was that she, "understands that, you know, we are out of the crisis, the portal may not be necessary, but let's please do our best to help people get the information". We are no longer in a crisis for Covid-19 according to Stacy Corless, but somehow she still believes that we are in an emergency. No longer a crisis, but definitely an emergency? What complete and utter hypocrisy! For goodness sake, a synonym for crisis is emergency! There is another reason for the transition. According to Justin Caporusso, a communications contractor for the county, the reason for the transition is not because the portal data is lagging, "it's more around, we're able to update the public health page in a more timely fashion than we are able to update the Covid portal at this point because we have less resources, fewer resources, dedicated to emergency operations at this point, for Covid. It allows us to be a little bit more nimble with getting information up on the Mono County Covid-19 page specifically than it does the portal". Alright, so the second reason for the transition is because less emergency resources are dedicated to Covid. Why are less resources are being dedicated to Covid? Oh that's right, its because we are no longer in a crisis. As has been the case for around 2 and a half years now. Even with overwhelming evidence that there is no crisis/emergency in Mono County due to Covid-19, by their own admission, the de facto Mono County Board of Supervisors refuse to follow the law. Instead, they continue to rack up fraud and racketeering charges. Seems like a rather stupid thing to do if you ask me, but then again, I don't work for the de facto government gang of criminals. In another example of complete and utter hypocrisy I feel must be pointed out here... Justin Caporusso, the communications contractor for the county Emergency Operations Center does not even live in Mono County. He lives in Placer County, California, where there is no local health emergency for Covid-19! The same guy who is being paid by Mono County Inc. for Covid-19 emergency services lives in a county where there is no local health emergency for Covid-19. What absolute hypocrisy! July 19 2022 Mono County Covid-19 update clip: ![]() The Covid-19 fraud continues on as we head into year 3 of the psychological operation. (The Covid-19 Psyop has highlighted the hypochondria crisis manifesting as Covid-19 paranoia testing). At the Covid-19 update on July 12, 2022, de facto Mono County Public Health claimed, "cases" of the alleged dominant BA.4 and BA.5 variants are on the rise. De facto Mono County Board of Supervisor, Rhonda Duggan, asked Director of Public Health Bryan Wheeler if the tests can tell which variant you allegedly have. Is it, OG-19, Delta, Omicron, Mediacontrol, BA2.5, BA.4, BA.5, Ninja, or any of the countless less emphasized alleged variants? They admittedly have no idea, but they are not letting that stop them from using science to form an assumption that 70% of new "cases" are caused by BA.4 and BA.5. According to Mr. Wheeler and health officer Caryn Slack, the tests can not differentiate between strains (variants). Seriously? Then how can they claim 70% of "cases" are one variant or another when the tests do not differentiate between variants? Are you so brain dead that you accept assumptions as scientific fact? I am making the assumption that yes, yes you are! Here is a little food for thought for those of you who still bask in the bullshit. Although I am doubtful that you even have the intellectual capacity to contemplate this. What is a variant? Let's see how the Centers for Disease Control defines a variant as it pertains to alleged SARS-CoV-2. You trust the CDC right? You love the CDC right? The CDC loves you more right? Key Definitions:
So according to the CDC there are 4 key definitions that describe variant. The primary distinction of an alleged virus variant is a change to it's genome (genetic code). Once an alleged virus mutates, it no longer has the same genetic code it originally started with. When alleged virus variants go through a recombinant process it combines two genetic codes which creates a new genome (genetic code). Both the mutation process and the recombinant process create new genetic codes which differentiate the alleged viruses leaving only their lineage as a shared attribute. Do you understand what you just read? You do? Great! Now apply your new found understanding of what a variant is as it would apply to the tests that can not differentiate between strains (mutations, recombinant, lineage, variants). The alleged original variant SARS-CoV-2 (Alpha) that supposedly causes Covid-19 reportedly lost its dominance many times now via alleged new dominant variants. Do you recall the name of the alleged variant that was first widely claimed to dominate the original SARS-CoV2? The Delta variant? You do? WOW you are so smart! Maybe you recall when the Delta variant got dominated by the Omicron variant which then got dominated by the BA.2 variant? More recently, the alleged dominant BA.2 variant supposedly got dominated by the BA.4 and BA.5 variants of the Omicron variant. None of these variants can be differentiated by the tests, yet public health officials are telling us to assume this is a fact. (Trust the science? You're an idiot, trust the assumption!) Every one of these alleged variants has a new genome (genetic code) according to the CDC's key definitions of variant. Perhaps that is why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said this in the emergency use authorization study for the RT-PCR tests used to detect SARS-CoV-2. "Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection, or co-infection, with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the cause of disease". If positive test results do not rule out bacterial infection, or co-infection with other variants of other alleged viruses and can not determine what molecules are causing your symptoms (disease) how can you legitimately (diagnose) call a positive result a "case" of Covid-19? The fact is, you can not. Doing so would be an assumption. Sadly, this is exactly what has been happening since the testing campaign began in 2020. Additionally, as established in previous posts in this blog and the Gold Standard For Fraud video; the tests can not measure the amount of alleged virus molecules present in the test subjects or their samples, or whether the virus is viable or not viable (live or dead), nor can the tests diagnose the cause of disease (symptoms). Moreover, the tests can detect alleged virus molecules for months or years after an alleged infection by said molecules in turn generating a positive result or "case". You are being duped into believing your positive test results equate to being infected with a SARS-CoV-2 variant, when that is nothing more than an assumption. Regardless of what your symptoms or zero symptoms are caused by or not caused by, a positive test result will be labeled as a "case" of Covid-19 by the de facto health department. This is nothing less than fraud! PERIOD! Alright, so what is really going on here? The truth is that the tests are nothing more than a fraud scheme to generate "cases" of Covid-19. This testing scheme is designed first and foremost to keep you in fear and make you believe there is a pandemic caused by a unique and novel variant of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which allegedly causes Covid-19. What exactly is Covid-19? Covid-19 is a list of symptoms, nothing more!
This is the CDC's list of symptoms for Covid-19. Do you see anything novel (new) about those symptoms relative to the common cold or flu? You don't? Wow, you are so smart! Why aren't there any novel symptoms for Covid-19 if SARS-CoV-2 is allegedly a novel virus? Well, the fact is, there is nothing novel about the alleged SARS-CoV-2 either. Its all bullshit fed to you by people in positions of authority who think you are to stupid to figure all of this out. Are you to stupid to figure all of this out? Key takeaways in this article: -The Center for Disease Control's key definitions of variant. -The tests can not differentiate or distinguish between variants. -The tests can not determine the amount of alleged virus molecules present. -The tests can not determine if the molecules it detected are viable or not viable (live or dead). -The tests can not determine if what the molecules the test detected are the cause of your disease (symptoms). -The tests can not diagnose disease. -The FDA states that the tests can not rule out bacterial infection, or co infection, with other alleged viruses. -The tests can detect alleged virus molecules for months or years after an alleged infection by said molecules generating a positive result or "case". -The tests are deliberately being misused to generate "cases". ![]() It's official, all 5 de facto Board of Supervisors voted to terminate the local emergencies for the Mountain View Fire on July 12, 2022. Whew! Give yourself a round of applause if you made it through the nearly 20 months of nail biting emergency conditions due to the Mountain View Fire. Although the fire only burned for 24 days, that was just the beginning of the emergency. The 19 months that followed were way more stressful. The local government was left in a state of shock as they scrambled to find ways to phish for state funding and overtime pay. Mission accomplished! Thanks to the California taxpayers and their endless pots of money, Justin Nalder and other members of the Emergency Operations Center have enriched themselves while working "overtime" for the last 19 months. Even though no emergency conditions were present and nearly all of the remediation work was completed seven months ago. Why let a good disaster go to waste without lining your pockets a little? I mean it is perfectly legal to keep an emergency going for any reason whatsoever, right? Wrong! Keeping an emergency in place when no emergency conditions exist is 100% fraud. Unfortunately, the local de facto government officials are corrupt to the core statists. According to EOC director Justin Nalder, who was in charge of the Mountain View Fire emergency operations, "It is the sole discretion of the Board of Supervisors to maintain or terminate the declaration of emergency". This is quite a telling statement by Mr. Nalder, and gives a lot of insight into his true authoritarian nature. The director of the Emergency Operations Center for Mono County is somehow under the impression that five people have the power to maintain a local emergency at their sole discretion! Ironically, the 5 Board of Supervisors are supposed to take direction from their staff when it comes to determining if a local emergency exists. Yet, Mr. Nalder believes that keeping an emergency going is simply a matter of discretion for the BOS. No facts, data, or evidence of an emergency? No problem! There you have it folks, Mr. Nalder and the local de facto bureaucrats are above the law. They are not accountable to anyone and their dictates are at their sole discretion. They do not need to have any facts, data, or evidence to back up their decisions that affect your life and siphon your tax dollars. So sit down, shut up, and take your medication! |
AuthorWilliam Wallace Archives
December 2022
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