![]() By Anna Von Reitz Oh, yes, there ARE military members ready and waiting —- for Trump, who they recognize as the “President” of the corporation they work for. Unfortunately, Mr. Trump appears to be more into the politics and “narrative building” than any practical action. They were going to take over our “vacant” American Federal Republic and keep on skating, but I pointed out that they don’t have a contract and the only contract they could “assume” - The Constitution of the United States of America— doesn’t allow them to do that, either. Trump and the U.S. Military work for a British Crown Corporation, so if they attempted to occupy the American Federal Republic it would be a Trespass and Substitution situation similar to what the Brits pulled when they substituted their “States of States” for our American “States of States”. According to their Plan, they would substitute “a” British Territorial Federal Republic for the American Federal Republic we are owed. According to our plan, they keep their limey noses out and stop pretending that they R us. Damned tricky bunch of pirates we are dealing with here. The Upper Crust in their system, the Lords of the Admiralty, are hopping mad they didn’t get a chance to pull that one and are casting about trying to come up with Plan B. Trump meanwhile is stuck on his “they stole the election” meme and we are the only ones asking the important question —- election to WHICH Presidency? There’s the actual Presidency— The Office of The President of The United States of America— which is our unincorporated Federation of States Office—- an American Office in an American Company. There’s the Office of The President of The United States—- the guy running the American Federal Republic if and when it gets booted up again. There’s the President of the United States of America — aka, the British Territorial USA, Inc. And finally, the President of the United States— a Municipal Corporation aka US, INC, US CORP, UNITED STATES, and so on. This last is the office Joe Biden is trying to occupy but the Pope put the last version of US, INC. Into Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and blocked them from creating any more similarly named corporations, so now Biden is trying to operate as “President of the White House Office, Inc.” You see all this crap is about different companies and different corporations, all with similar names and all with “Presidents”. The actual American Federation of States and American Federal Republic are unincorporated businesses. The British Territorial “United States of America, Incorporated” is a British Crown Corporation franchise. The Municipal “United States, Incorporated” is a City of Rome Corporation franchise. And all four have an office of the “President”. Lincoln substituted the Office of the President of the United States of America, Inc., the British Territorial Corporation’s presidential office for our American Federation Office — The President of The United States of America. As a Bar Attorney Lincoln was prohibited from holding any Public Office in our American Government — but he could legally operate as the “President” of a similarly named British Crown Corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc. —- and that is precisely what he did and that “substitution scheme” is the final straw that broke the original Confederation. The Brits of course tried to cover this up, but that’s not possible any more. There are too many public records that exist and too many other public records that should exist but don’t exist. We have them boxed in and they are trying to deny it by remaining silent— but the facts say that the British Crown violated its treaties and service contracts and acted in Breach of Trust and Trespass against our lawful government. Trying to occupy our Federal Republic would be another such British Substitution Scheme. The facts also say that the Brits removed our gold reserves to the Philippines after we acquired the Philippines as part of the settlement of the Spanish-American War and the Peace Treaty of Versailles in 1898. They did this “in our name” for “safekeeping” preparatory to bankrupting their version of USA, Inc. in 1907. The U.S. Navy transported all our gold including gold discovered in the Grand Canyon and has the receipts and transfer manifests related to this activity. That’s why the Navy Fiscal Research team delving into this was targeted in the 911 Pentagon attack. They also stole our silver via unlawful “legal tender laws” initiated by the Emergency Banking Act of 1934. They gave us a Federal Reserve Note I.O.U. on a “dollar for dollar” exchange rate for every American Silver Dollar. That means that for every fiat dollar they have printed, they owe us an American Silver Dollar—- a debt that cannot be repaid. I estimated it would take 1100 times more Silver than now exists to pay that debt. So, Britain, which has no gold or silver resources to speak of, has commandeered our assets and has done so by guile, deceit, trespass, unlawful conversion, fraud, identity theft, etc., etc., against the Americans — their loyal Allies, Treaty Partners, and Defenders through two World Wars. We and the rest of the world have awakened to this fact and the obvious Bad Faith and criminality of the British Government and the Government of Westminster is self-evident. They used Lincoln to substitute their corporation “President” for the President of our Federation of States. They claimed non-existent “emergency powers” in the wake of the Civil War to substitute their State of State organizations for our American States of States. They’ve been caught trying another such substitution scheme— proposing to substitute a British Territorial “Federal Republic” for our American Federal Republic. And they are desperately trying to hide the fact that a large share of the gold in the Philippines is ours and also trying to hide their overwhelming debt of silver owed to us, Americans. So all this while that people thought they were dealing with the American Government, they have been dealing with our foreign incorporated Subcontractors dba USA, Inc and US, INC., instead. This news and the outrageous abuse we have suffered at the hands of our foreign employees is just now hitting the bricks and international outrage and disapproval is coming to bear on the guilty parties. Other countries and The United Nations organization are waking up, too. The Vermin engineered things so that a constant unending “State of War” was engendered in this country following the Civil War. The last shot was fired in 1866 but “legally” the paperwork to end the conflict just never got finished. So, according to them, the Civil War continued for 160 years and expenses to fight this “war” — an illegal commercial mercenary conflict in fact — are still being made against our accounts. They pulled the same thing with WWI and WWII . Most of Europe is still occupied and we are paying the cost of it. To avoid the truth and the debt that goes with it the Vermin are now in their time-honored cycle of killing their creditors— which is what the whole depopulation agenda is about. Please fully inform everyone, everywhere, so that these criminals are recognized for what they are and stopped. Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary The United States of America In care of: Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska 99652 ---------------------------- See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.
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