![]() By Anna Von Reitz You are receiving false information and misdirection from an individual person presenting himself as John Curren Chapman III, pretending to be "God of the Sol Solar System and Planet Terra". He is a Liar and styles himself as "The Devil". Our Lawful Due Process on this planet has determined that neither "The Devil" nor his Off-Spring have any standing or claim to anything here on Terra, also known as the Earth. They immigrated here from Mars, known as Gaia, where they similarly acted as violent parasites and destroyed their home planet. We took them in as refugees, fed them, cared for them, gave them homes ---- and instead of repaying our kindness with kindness, they set to work to undermine our lawful government and to pillage our planet. You see the results. These Martians are not native to our planet and have no right to claim one blade of grass here. Their home planet, Mars, also known is Gaia, could be restored and brought to life again with sufficient investment of time, materials, and scientific expertise, but it is an open question whether these individuals would be competent to re-colonize it, or would continue their path of destruction and piracy and parasitism. I am one of those faithful Seraphs set here to monitor events and assist in extremis to prevent destruction of the biosphere. I am a Senior Field Commander and have been on post for over 60,000 Earth years, so I have first-hand knowledge of these events and am prepared to testify. Mr. Chapman has attempted to pull another scam and thinks that disparaging the name I was given in this lifetime, Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger - von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck, will help him continue with his fraud. He claims I am a dishonored "human" and that he is representative of the Family of Mann. The Galactic Federation and Federation of Planets and the Precessional Council and everyone else addressed knows what a Seraph is and my nature is obvious to anyone who cares to look. The fact that Mr. Chapman cannot perceive me as I am indicates his low level of functionality and demonstrates the unreliability of his perceptions. I am here to testify that Mr. Chapman is of Martian descent and that he and his helpers are deliberately obscuring the actual history and bloodlines of what we call The Family of Mann, which is indigenous to this planet. The Family of Man was developed using five primary autonomous brain stem genetic heritages, four reptilian and one amphibian. These account also for the major blood types found in the natural genome of Mankind on this planet. As a result people may exhibit aspects of their heritage in this respect, especially as regards their ability to process, access, and express elements of the subconscious. The turtle-based members of the family tend to live long and are wise and kind, but tend not to reproduce in great numbers. The fish are pleasant-tempered, curious, inventive, and sociable, but tend to be irresponsible and short-lived. The lizards may be sociable or reclusive, are calculating, intelligent, and gifted in their ability to manipulate materials. The snakes are clever, but not wise, given to prevarication and imagination and superstition of all kinds; at their best, they are highly creative, but at their worst, they are liars and criminals. The amphibians are gentle, versatile, trusting, open-minded, and have a gift for empathy and healing others. The Martians come from a different heritage entirely and while they are attempting to represent The Family of Mann, it is directly observable that they present humanoid characteristics and genetics that are foreign to this planet. They represent on average, less than four percent of the population here. Their own Martian royalty which has nothing to do with any sovereignty here, amounts to about 4,000 souls. They have attempted to misrepresent this circumstance as evidence that they are special and part of a ruling class, when in fact, they are refugees. By my observation, they tend to be habitual liars, lack any natural sense of right or wrong, and are fond of violence. It is my recommendation that the Galactic Federation and various Councils intervene to stop their latest scheme, which is to initiate yet another war, to enrich themselves and create a smokescreen to cover their other criminal activities, which include illegal and immoral biowarfare, and financial crimes related to the system of idolatry they brought to this planet. This war would be a reckless and unacceptable risk to the biosphere and would involve what they call "limited nuclear war" which would further deteriorate the atmosphere and lead to increased climate instability and damage to the Earth's magnetosphere, to say nothing of the damage to plant and animal life, and the lives and the homes and businesses of millions of peaceful Earthlings. We have asked for the Martians and other violent and destructive and unauthorized foreign lifeforms to be removed and resettled elsewhere. This request is in accord with Universal Law. The genuine families of Mann deserve to have peace and a chance to evolve in their own way and in their own good time without interference from criminals. As we are now in Precessional Transition, we wish for this removal to take place now, which is also in accord with Universal Law. A group of pirates styling themselves as the Saturnine Brotherhood has been working with the Martians, having evaded removal ever since the Age of Scorpio. Other Transitional Councils have left this scourge on Earth and have not exercised Due Diligence with regard to their purification duties. I know this for sure because I have been here and I am sick of dealing with it. If these lawful requests are not honored immediately, I will take this directly to the Creator for settlement. The one known as Ana to all your generations. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.
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