![]() By Anna Von Reitz [This is a response to nasty and unwarranted ideas about me and my message from Mike McKibben and Leader Technologies.] It is apparent that (1) Mike McKibben hasn’t bothered to read what I have written to any appreciable extent — and is opening up his mouth anyway, or (2) is deliberately trying to misinform people. For example, my Readers know how often and how persistently I have said that the “Brits are at the bottom of the dogpile” and also know how often and how roundly I have criticized not only the Queen’s Government, but the Lord Mayor’s Government, too. A mere perusal of article titles would have given McKibben some grasp of my actual stance with regard to the British Raj, but he preferred his own (mistaken) presumptions over the facts. And didn’t bother to look. Other examples include the idea that I have ever advocated declaring oneself a “natural person” — which is emphatically wrong; I have taught my Readers that “natural person” is legalese for a corpse, literally, a dead body, and they should never accept or use any such description of themselves. So again, McKibben presents false information which anyone can confirm by reading my articles on this subject. Ditto the idea that I have ever claimed to be a Boston Brahmin, good or otherwise. My husband comes from a family that arrived in Boston in 1608 and played a major and honorable part in building and leading this country through the Revolution and for many years afterward. My point being that vilifying the founders of Boston is a grave disservice not only to those who gave so much to found this country and who shed their blood to set it free, but a gross disservice to history itself. It’s unlikely that there would have been an American Revolution without the Men of Boston and Massachusetts raising their objections to British tyranny. Where did John and Samuel Adams’ family hail from? Boston. Where was the Boston Tea Party? Boston. Where was the lantern that prompted Paul Revere’s ride? Boston. Which port city endured the worst Naval Blockade in history up until that time— eight long years? Boston. McKibben obviously doesn’t care much about me, about facts, or about history. He also seems rather slow on the uptake with his solution to his own problem. If he bothered to read what I have been teaching people for years, he would know a great deal more about both the problem and his own proposed solution. For example, he would know that the Titles of Nobility Amendment ratified in 1819 and added to the actual Federal Constitution (1787) already prohibits Bar Attorneys from holding any public office in our American Government. Nobody has to create that solution. We simply have to get organized, do our public duty, and enforce it. Which is the “rest of the story” McKibben does not— apparently— care to hear, because it puts the ultimate responsibility for correction on him and on all of us. Instead of beating his head against the stonewall of a King’s Court and expecting justice from an institution created for completely different purposes (!) McKibben should stop whining about his stolen patents and ideas long enough to have a NEW thought. And that thought would be that our own courts are missing, which leaves us at the mercy of the British Courts (which are here to pillage us). If we would get organized and all properly declare ourselves Americans and form our courts (as many of us are doing) then we could all invoke Ex Parte Milligan (1866) and force these foreign courts to step down and leave us alone. We would finally have juries of our own peers again— American juries with no foreign allegiances and no axes to grind. McKibben has obviously suffered for lack of such a Court to hear his injuries and provide him with justice, but the simple fact that we must provide our own courts has sailed right over his head and the heads of literally millions of other Americans who have suffered at the hands of these foreign courts and apparently never wondered— where’d my courts go? Oh. I have to gather my peers together. We have to declare that we are Americans, not Brits or whatever else. We have to assemble ourselves, hold our own elections, build our own jury pools, operate our own courts…. These same Angry Men, like McKibben, spend millions of dollars fighting the Papist and British Court Systems, year after year, but not ten cents toward building our own court system—- the one thing that could and would give him and millions of others both justice and relief. I’m sorry, but if you keep making the same unexamined assumptions and doing the same things, you get the same results. How many YEARS has McKibben and Leader Technologies been in litigation over the invention of social media platforms — and gotten nothing but a huge attorney bill and a red nose to show for it? Decades that I know of. McKibben has spent decades and probably millions of dollars looking for Justice in a foreign court. But will he stop a moment and listen to a bit of history, realize how our American Courts almost disappeared —- and move himself to solve that problem? So that he could then solve his own problem and everyone else’s too—- by reopening American Common Law Courts all over this country? He’d rather spend his time trying to paint me as a disinformation agent and peeing on his own shoe, than take an oar and do what has to be done. He’d rather bitch about foreign courts than build his own—- then stand there like a Dumb Ox wondering why he can’t get justice from a British Court against a British Corporation? Please. I happen to sympathize with Leader Technologies. I happen to believe that McKibben was the inventor just as he says he was. And he got ripped off, too. However, he is barking up the wrong tree. He can never get justice from a British Court and he apparently doesn’t have sense enough to weigh in with me and build his own. You are getting this reply from “Anna von Fritz” which is the name of my iPhone— but every letter has been pecked out on a tiny screen by my weary index finger. Please return my compliments to Mike McKibben. Anna Maria ---------------------------- See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.
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