![]() By Anna Von Reitz If you see anything calling itself the "Continental Free Press" or "National assembly for the Government of The United States of America" or trying to pass itself off as "The Ohio State Republic" or "The New York State Republic", etc., know that it's being promoted by the thoroughly discredited Reign of the Heavens Society and run like an antelope away. There are three populations in this country. They are: (1) Americans adopting their birthright political status and living in original jurisdiction on the land and soil; (2) persons of various national origins working as British Territorial U.S. Citizens occupying Military Districts in Admiralty jurisdiction and adopting that foreign political status; I3) persons of various national origins working as Municipal citizens of the United States occupying Maritime Districts in Maritime (Commercial) Districts and adopting that foreign political status. Now, a mish-mash of confused people in the foreign political statuses, both Territorial and Municipal, are trying to form "assemblies" and are calling their organizations "assemblies" even though by definition, they can't form assemblies. They can only form "associations" or "societies". This misrepresentation of who they are and what they are doing is resulting in confusion as they persist in calling themselves "assemblies" --- when they are not assemblies. The only people who can "assemble" are the Americans occupying the original land and soil jurisdiction, and they are contractually guaranteed the right to do so. Persons --- those operating in the foreign Admiralty and Maritime jurisdictions have no guaranteed rights at all, though they are generally allowed to meet together freely and "associate" with each other or form "societies" so long as they are not usurping or plotting against the actual government of this country. Most of this confusion is being caused by the erstwhile members of the thoroughly discredited Reign of the Heavens Society, which did at least admit that it was a "society" and not an assembly of any kind. Since it was forced to go underground and change its names this renegade Territorial organization which pretends to have authority based on the defunct Confederation of States, has spun off all sorts of fanciful names and titles and internet websites for itself, where it basically preaches anti-semitism and Nazi-like mindlessness and submission to their purported "authority". The States created three instrumentalities for their convenience to do business mutually -- the Union formed in July 1776, the Federation in September 1776, and much later, 1781, the Confederation. All three instrumentalities represent or, in the case of the Confederation, represented, the States in different jurisdictions. The Union was conceived to hold the National Soil Jurisdiction sacred and apart from the hurly-burly and possible interferences of international affairs. Our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America was conceived to deal with International and Global business and from 1776 to 1781, it handled all external business affairs in air, land, and sea jurisdictions. Five years later, the unincorporated Confederation was adopted and began representing the States in global Maritime jurisdiction as "the States of America" as of March 1, 1781; in 1787, this Confederation of business organizations operating as States-of-States extended itself to operate the Federal Republic, under The Constitution for the united States of America. As anyone can see, the verbiage is consistent throughout. The Confederation doing business as "the States of America" was the American Subcontractor awarded the original 1787 Federal Constitution Contract; and operating as "the Federal Republic" it assumed the enumerated powers and duties delegated under The Constitution for the united States of America in September of 1787. The Union continued to control and represent the National Soil Jurisdiction of the States and the unincorporated Federation continued to represent the States' international land, global air, and international Admiralty jurisdictions, as well as any undelegated powers in Maritime jurisdiction which remained with the States and/or people. Contrary to what some people have been misled to believe, the Confederation did not take over or supersede any of these other functions and authorities. The Federation of States simply split off some of its responsibilities and gave them to the Confederation to administer. All went well until the Southern members of the Confederation walked out and left the organization without a quorum to conduct business. This rendered the original Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation inoperable, and that made the Federal Republic inoperable, too. By Operation of Law, the "powers" delegated under The Constitution for the united States of America automatically reverted to the Delegator, the Federation of States from which the "powers" were transferred. And there they remain, until the actual properly declared and populated State Assemblies reconstruct their State-of-State organizations and restore the Confederation which will then restore the Federal Republic --- if that's how the States now in Session decide to organize things. Meantime, the unincorporated Federation of States simply resumes the extra work as it did from 1776 to 1781. The only valid "State Assemblies" operate under names styled like this: "The Texas Assembly" and they are true assemblies populated by the people living in each State, acting in their capacity as people, not as foreign "persons" working for or dependent upon foreign corporations. Watch out for the fake look-alike-sound-alike "assemblies" being promoted by the renegade Liars still operating the Reign of the Heavens Society under new deceitful names like "The Wisconsin State Republic". Look at this name and think. What are the words? What do they mean? Is a "Republic" in any way related to the "republican state assemblies" that we are owed? Where do we see the word "Republic" show up in our history? What is a "Wisconsin State" as opposed to plain old "Wisconsin"? After the Civil War the British Territorial Perpetrators came in and seized upon all the property belonging to the States and People and put it all in a State Trust in each State of the Union. They named these trusts "The Wisconsin State (Trust)" and "The Ohio State (Trust)" and so on. They then assumed a custodial role with respect to these trusts and the assets contained in them, which gave them an excuse to subjugate us under their Territorial rule. So now we know where the "Wisconsin State" part of "The Wisconsin State Republic" comes from, but what about "Republic"? The only Republic in our history is a foreign Federal entity known as the Federal Republic which was at one time funded and operated by the failed Confederation. As with all Federal entities, that Republic was foreign in jurisdiction and population. And any phony State Trust Republics add up to our Territorial Employees trying to pull another Substitution Scheme on clueless Americans. Any State Trust Republic has nothing to do with our republican States of the Union, but it sure it trying to pass itself off as one of our States. Please note that a State Trust is not a State. It's another legal fiction trying to bust the world on a wooden nickel. Now that the actual States are back in Session and the properly declared and recorded population has returned to their lawful jurisdiction there is no reason for any State Trust to exist. These State Trusts are supposed to be liquidated and returned to the States of the Union to which they belong. In other words, "The Wisconsin State (Trust)" needs to be dissolved and all assets returned to Wisconsin, the nation-state of the living population of Wisconsinites living within the physical boundaries of Wisconsin. The land and everything else doesn't belong to any Republic. It belongs to the State, Wisconsin, and the people living there. Most particularly, the Trust Assets don't belong to any British Territorial Employees thinking that they are going to pull off another Substitution Scheme against the actual Owners. These irresponsible and illegal antics must come to an end, and so must the assumption of any right to interfere with or impersonate the actual State and the actual State Assembly. What I have said here applies to each and every State Trust and every State of the Union. The Western States that did not come into existence until after the Civil War entered into Territorial Statehood, not true Statehood, because the States were not in Session and could not vote to enroll them. As of the first of October 2020, this long-delayed housekeeping was completed when all the State Assemblies that existed prior to the Civil War voted unanimously to enroll the Territorial "States" as full and complete States of the Union. So there is no reason for any Territorial U.S. Citizen to assume any custody of any of our State Assets anywhere in this country, much less any authority to gin up a "Republic" based on a State Trust that is owed to the people of each State, and call themselves an "Assembly" without properly disclosing who and what they really are. They might legitimately style themselves as a "District Assembly" or a "Municipal Assembly", but trying to foist themselves off as a State Trust Assembly is simply whackjob. Those who are subjects of a foreign Trust have no right to assemble, and the Trustees of such a Trust have no right to assert any interest in the Assets of a State Trust which belongs already to a State of the Union. It should be obvious that a State Trust has no political character at all and is not a viable political subunit. All these State Trusts have been operated as Wards of the British Crown, in purported safekeeping until the return of the lawful owners. Well, the actual owners have "returned from over the sea" and declared and recorded their presence here without the services of a clearinghouse. Our British Territorial Employees are honor bound to release the State Trust Assets back to the lawful owners, not mess around and continue trying to assert custodial interests and ownership interests that do no belong to them, much less offer to set themselves up with their own "Republic" based on our State Trust Assets. More British Bunko being promoted by the Reign of the Heavens Society trying to hide behind new names and faces and internet websites. If you see anything calling itself the "Continental Free Press" or "National assembly for the Government of The United States of America" or trying to pass itself off as "The Ohio State Republic" or "The New York State Republic", etc., know that it's being promoted by the thoroughly discredited Reign of the Heavens Society and run like an antelope away. ---------------------------- See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.
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December 2022
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