![]() By Anna Von Reitz I think it is very important for Americans and others around the world to comprehend the situation that the Union Army Officers and Senior Non-Coms faced at the end of the American Civil War. They knew what they were facing as a result of the political chaos --- a long-term state of war --- a political stalemate of unknown duration, and a simmering pot that might boil over at any moment. So they organized the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) as both a fraternal support organization that endures to this day, and as a Secret Society in the same sense as the Freemasons and their Lodges. As the progenitors never resigned their commissions their commissions are still "in the field" so long as the sons retain the name. This is called a "Ghost Army" in military terms. This is part of the reason that all the wordplay around what names stand for has been employed, and the reason that the use of these various styles of name imply the political status of combatants in "the state of war" that has been promoted ever since 1865. Look around at the men holding the top positions in the banks and the corporations, securities exchanges and commodity markets. You will see many, many familiar names from the Civil War and Belle Epoch Era being attached via the use of generational titles like William Henry Harrison, III and still more variations that are not as obvious, like Warren G(erold) Harding. You will also find men deliberately adopting the names of Civil War veterans. These men are engaged in a long term internecine "war" of a commercial and sometimes political and religious nature. I think it's important for Americans (and others) to know that yes, Virginia, there is a "White Hats" organization and it is not something that just sprang up like grass in the spring. They should know that this organization -- whatever they now call themselves in public --- is present, is funded, is patriotic, has its roots sunk as far back as the Revolution but primarily stems from secret service organizations formed by the GAR in response to "the state of war" we were left in after the Civil War. There are an estimated seventeen million veterans in this country, and at least half of them are attached in one way or another to GAR networks; they are armed and organized and make up the largest standing military force on Earth, which is only possible because they are volunteers. This puts a whole different light on the role of the paid military and the balance of power, both political and military, in this country. For many people, it will be comforting to know that they are not alone and that American Armed Forces still exist and are still organized enough to carry out complex international operations as well as provide on-the-ground defense if necessary. We, Americans, have not been caught flat-footed after all, and it is largely thanks to the Officers and Non-Coms of the Union Army who were later joined by the Officers and Non-Coms of the Confederate States of America----- and combined as the Grand Army of the Republic, then and now. Right in front of our faces, our ancestors formed a new Army and named it appropriately as the Army of the Federal Republic, even as they waited for the Federal Republic to be reconstructed. As staggering as this truth is to contemplate, looking back over six generations and a hundred and fifty-seven years, the actual combined Grand Army of the Republic has been organized and standing watch the whole time. It is to these Americans, who also gave us the Memorial Day holiday, that we owe a profound debt: they never stood down, then or now. They were not deceived when the powers of the world said, "peace, peace, but there was no peace". ---------------------------- See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. How do we use your donations? Find out here.
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