We can officially add John "Bend Over" Peters to the list of hypocrites that are just fine with segregating our community based on their medical status. Something that is supposed to be protected under HIPPA (privacy rule). In the video below this parasitical hypocrite explains how he wants to end the mask mandate, but he is okay with having the mask mandate still apply to those not injected with the bio-weapon that are being sold as Covid-19 "vaccines". How would one know if you are injected or not? Just show them your papers and prove you were injected with the Covid-19 bio-weapon. Anyone who suggests ending the mask mandate only for the so called Covid-19 "vaccinated" is by default also saying they are okay with a Covid-19 injection status passport! In the next clip below we have Jennifer Kreitz inquiring to Public Health Director Bryan Wheeler about the FDA's recall of hand sanitizers due to them containing carcinogenic ingredients! The sad thing about this is how these government boot lickers cannot see how utterly incompetent and compromised the FDA is. Add the cancer causing hand sanitizer to the massive list of FDA recalls of products that have harmed and killed countless children, men and women. Nothing to see here... I mean the FDA can't even get hand sanitizer right but lets go ahead and inject ourselves with experimental substances containing known carcinogens. Once again, the level of cognitive dissonance these people display is downright scary. Lets theory craft a little bit on the Mono County De Facto Board of Supervisors line of thinking, "WAAAH the hand sanitizer contains cancer causing ingredients! People should be warned!" ----- "Hey everybody, the experimental injections that don't prevent infection or transmission and contain known carcinogens are available now! SIGN ME UP YAAAY!" WOW you just can't make this shit up! What a bunch of order following statist imbeciles! Below we have a clip where Jennifer Kreitz responds to an email from someone known as William Wallace asking to create a new protected class of the minority group of non bio-weapon injected. Kreitz asks if they can create a new protected class which never gets answered. The answer is yes, they have the ability to create local legislation to classify the non-injected for Covid-19 as a protected class. They should make this an official agenda item to vote on so we can see where they truly stand when it comes to medical segregation and Covid-19 injection status passports. According to the Mono County legal counsel Stacey Simon, there are no laws that protect the unvaccinated and that government can make rules that discriminate against someone based on their medical status. Whether its right or wrong does not matter to these people. Typical rhetoric from government officials who sold their soul for a paycheck and pension just to be in the club of parasitical tyrants. And the last clip below shows that there are elements in the USA INC. military that are so out of touch with what freedom means that they might as well be called traitors. This woke Colonel (seriously?) Daniel Wittnam feels compelled to chime in on the mask mandate. First off, Mr. Wittnam, stay the hell out of this discussion as you are out of your jurisdiction and not a "member of the public". Sit down and shut up soldier, that is an order! Secondly, you are in the military and you are nothing more than an order following useful idiot that serves the USA INC. Or would you prefer to be labeled by those who control you in high places that are on the dark side.. someone known as Henry Kissinger puts it very bluntly. “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." With all due disrespect Mr. Wittnam, your input and opinion on this matter is not welcome as you are a not a free man nor do you understand what freedom means. Either recognize you work for the American Citizens or leave the military and claim your status as a free man on the land and your input will be valid once again. Perhaps an even more disturbing aspect to Henry Kissinger's quote above is the military will just as easily be used as pawns in domestic policy. Unfortunately, this is a historically true statement the vast majority of the time. This Mr. Wittnam character appears to meet the requirements of someone who will turn their weapons against those they swore an oath to protect.. if they are ordered to. The guy sounds legitimately terrified of the non bio-weapon injected free-breathers. The good news for those of us who still prioritize freedom and liberty over perceived security is it looks like all we will have to do to defeat the USA INC. military is not wear a mask and they will shit their pants in retreat! This writer is so embarrassed if this is what our military has become.. Fuck it lets just give all our military standard issue short shorts and call it a day. Insults aside, Mr. Wittnam is also just fine with Covid injected status ID passports. Apparently, there are two former military personnel at the MWTC that were discharged for not taking the Covid-19 injection bio weapon. God bless those two individuals who still know what freedom means. Shockingly, only two people out of all the personnel at the Mountain Warfare Training Center had the integrity and moral fortitude to say no! The rest will do whatever they are told it seems. How the USA Inc. military could force experimental injections upon our troops for which medium and long term side-effects are unknown is not only reckless it is also a serious risk to our national security! Hopefully with a little education our military brothers and sisters will understand that they work for the American Citizens and not the USA INC. For those of us who still know what freedom means, it is a no-brainer that medical segregation and mandatory injections are clearly unconstitutional, unethical, immoral, anti-American values, and just downright EVIL! Yet here we have a colonel in the military who is A-okay with it. What a disgrace!
Jennifer Kreitz demonstrates her fanatical passion for Covid-19 Injections by proposing an end to the mask mandate for the "vaccinated" but not for those who did not get the injections. Jennifer Kreitz and the rest of the board of supervisors continue to ignore the overwhelming evidence that the Covid-19 injections are inferior on every level to natural immunity. They completely disregard the facts, something not out of the ordinary for the Covid-19 injection zealots who can not handle the truth. These people masquerading as our representatives have proven themselves amongst the biggest hypocrites. For example, these people vote 5/5 for JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) when it comes to all other matters of discrimination. However, when it comes to these injections which are 100% unnecessary and downright dangerous, they have no problem discriminating. What kind of mental gymnastics these people must do to justify their actions one can only speculate. One thing is certain, these people are showing their true character. A character of a psychopath, fascist, and hypocrite. It is no wonder that people in this county rarely if ever participate in board meetings. They are extremely difficult to stomach and are a waste of time as they only represent big pharma and the state government. Interestingly, on the 11/2/21 board meeting Jennifer (The Discriminator) Kreitz and John (Bend Over) Peters wanted to reduce the 3x monthly Covid-19 updates to 1x per month. The other three parasites, Stacy (The Statist) Corless, Rhonda (Demon Hands) Dhuggan, and Bob (Something In My Pocket) Gardner, opted to keep the 3x monthly Covid-19 updates but reduce the amount of time to under ten minutes per update. Regardless of reducing the Covid-19 updates to 1x per month or 3x per month @10 minutes both actions only added to the many other facts that Mono County is not experiencing a local health emergency due to Covid-19. Do these sycophant's truly believe we are in health emergency? An emergency that takes less than 5 minutes to cover? These delusional parasites are clearly out of their minds and must be stopped before they destroy all that is good in our community! 9/21/21 - De Facto Mono County Department Of Public Health, 'We Don't Test For Influenza, Yet...9/21/2021 For some people this might be new information. Throughout the declared health emergency for Covid-19, all public health testing done by Mono County, California, and the USA inc. has been solely for Covid-19. If you have heard rumors that influenza A and B, A.K.A. the flu, has been drastically lower or has even mysteriously disappeared since Covid-19 took the limelight, now you know why. starting in January of 2022 a new test is in queue to be used. A multi-assay test which will test for both the flu and Covid-19. You can expect the flu to make a magical comeback in 2022 once these tests start being used. This new multi-assay test is still unfit to diagnose anything but it is designed to generate not only Covid-19 "cases" but influenza "cases" as well. Before the declaration of emergency for Covid-19 in March 2020, there has never been such a campaign to test people, forced or voluntary. Whether it be to work, attend school, get medical treatment etc. Or if someone felt a sickness coming on... or if they felt no sickness at all. Even in prior alleged pandemics, government has never launched a testing campaign. If you wanted to get tested for something, you would have to go request (and $$ pay) your doctor to perform a test. However, more often than not, your doctor would not perform any tests, as it is not required to make a clinical diagnoses during the influenza season. Doctors would typically ask you about your symptoms and then give you a general diagnosis. Now, instead of a doctor diagnosing you through observation and taking a tally of your symptoms for comparison, we are told to, "get tested" and it will give you your answer. On March 30th, 2020 the FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization for the PCR tests which have been used throughout the declared health emergency for Covid-19. What does the FDA say about the PCR tests that were given EUA to detect Covid-19? "Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection, or co-infection, with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the cause of disease". The FDA knew that this test could not determine whether or not you are infected with Covid-19, Influenza A or B, bacterial infections or other viruses! However, if the PCR test detects any of the above, it would be counted as a "case" of Covid-19. Don't believe that such shenanigans would be taking place by agents of public health? Watch the short clip below: Below is the joint letter written by the Town Council of Mammoth Lakes and the Mono County Board of Supervisors. Highlighted in yellow on page one; the Town Council of Mammoth Lakes and the Mono County Board of Supervisors admit they were not seeing evidence of a local health emergency due to Covid-19. On page two, highlighted in yellow, the Town Council of Mammoth Lakes and the Mono County Board of Supervisors admit they enforced emergency orders despite no evidence of a local health emergency due to Covid-19. The statement highlighted in red at the bottom of page two is a false claim. The claim attempts to downplay their admission that the emergency services within Mono County, including Mammoth Hospital were in fact, not strained. Like the letter says; limited impact to medical capacities, few hospitalizations, and Mammoth Hospital in green status with no limitations to operation capacity. As has been true throughout the declared local health emergency for Covid-19. [September 14th 2021] Mono County and the state of California have had over 18 months and billions of dollars to increase ICU capacity, hospital beds, and staff. In addition, the Mono County Health Department claims roughly 70% of residents have been fully injected for Covid-19. Not only has there been zero evidence of a health emergency, but now 70% are fully injected! Yet Mono County officials have not terminated the local health emergency for Covid-19. Which according to Def Facto law, a local emergency must be terminated at the earliest date that conditions warrant. Just some of the relevant De Facto Laws in this case: -California Code, Health and Safety Code - HSC § 101080 states the local emergency MUST BE TERMINATED AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE by the local governing body. -California Code, Government Code - GOV § 8630 states that the local governing body MUST PROCLAIM THE TERMINATION OF THE EMERGENCY AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE. -18 U.S. Code § 1040. Fraud in connection with major disaster or emergency benefits. -18 U.S. Code § 1038. False information and hoaxes. -Penal Code 148.3 PC is the California statute that makes it a crime for a person to make a false report of an emergency. -Penal Code 504 PC – Embezzlement by a Public Officer -18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights -18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color law -§ 52.1. Tom Bane Civil Rights Act [There has been no health emergency from so called Covid-19, in all its claimed variations in Mono County. Therefore, any emergency funds spent for the alleged and declared local health emergency for Covid-19, including but not limited to, the CARES Act, is illegitimate and fraudulent.] Quoted from Bryan Wheeler from the video below, "It can detect a disease...ah virus say..." "But its not going to tell you what that viral load actually is or how much virus is in that person." To start the PCR test can not detect a disease! In order to know if someone is diseased they would have to undergo a multitude of screening tests in order to form a diagnosis. Next, as stated by Mr. Wheeler, the PCR test can not measure viral load or how much virus is in that person. In short, what this really means is the PCR test can not diagnose if you are actually sick. The PCR test can not determine whether or not the virus detected is viable or not viable (dead or alive) or if the molecule the PCR test detected was the cause of your symptoms or not. Therefore, the PCR test is unfit to diagnose disease, period! Bryan Wheeler already stated that people can shed "non-viable" virus for months and that the PCR test can not distinguish between viable or non-viable virus. When someone is shedding non-viable virus, other people will absorb some of these molecules into their bodies. The non-viable virus molecules would not have the capability to infect you, however the PCR test would still detect non-viable virus molecules within your body . Resulting in false positives which are claimed as asymptomatic "cases" (often sold as mildly symptomatic and pre-symptomatic, but unbeknownst by the alleged infected, etc). An alleged "case" of Covid does not equate to being infected. The PCR test is deliberately being misused as a means to generate a pandemic of "cases".
Bryan Wheeler admits that the PCR test is "limited" for diagnostics. He also admits that the PCR test can not distinguish between live and dead virus or "viable and not-viable" as he ends up putting it. Quite the change of tune from Mono County health officials referring to the PCR test as the gold standard for diagnosing disease. He stated that they do not recommend retesting which is a bald-faced lie. Not only does he encourage people to get tested regularly, but part of his job is to meet testing requirements set by the state. The Town Council of Mammoth Lakes, Mono County Board of Supervisors, and every other official involved with the perpetration of the local health emergency for Covid19 encourages and even enforces testing. Enter a hospital.. get tested. Go to school..get tested..work at a restaurant..get tested, and on and on. What qualifies as a duplicate test? Is there a time frame set for retesting the same individual after they generated a "case"? Please contact Mono County Assembly if you have been tested more than once for Covid-19 or if you have tested positive more than once for Covid19. Mono County Officials Recommence Fearmongering/Disinformation Campaign Amidst Delta Variant Hype:8/10/2021 On August 5th 2021, Mono County Officials held a community meeting focused around the Delta variant. The Delta variant must be a slap in the face to those who were lead to believe that getting the jab for Covid-19 would be the panacea for the so called global pandemic. Perhaps you were lead to believe such claims when for example, in January and February of 2021, Mono County Public Health Director Bryan Wheeler touted the Operation Warp Speed experimental MRNA injections as, "a huge game changer for us". He made the bold claim that, "the state is of the same belief as myself that the vaccine is really the way out of this at this point". Mr. Wheeler made these claims even when the county Health Officer at the time, Tom Boo, said there was not enough evidence that these vaccines would prevent transmission of the virus. The Mono County Public Health epidemiologist Emily Janoff covered what are being called "breakthrough cases", which are defined as a positive Covid case in an individual that is fully vaccinated. If you were under the impression that getting vaccinated for Covid-19 meant it gave you immunity and therefore you could not contract or transmit the virus... well unfortunately, you were mislead. If you or anyone you know did not get informed consent, before receiving a Covid-19 injection, which includes information such as; the Covid-19 injections do not provide immunity or prevent transmission, they have not been FDA approved, they have emergency use authorization only, list of ingredients, list of short and long term side effects , alternatives, and an individual risk assessment provided by a licensed doctor please contact the Mono County Assembly! During the recent meeting which can be found on Youtube, Bryan Wheeler had this to say about the Delta variant; "this virus is just very very transmissible" and, "it doesn't care if you are vaccinated". Ironically, Mr. Wheeler said this while sharing a slide that featured a quote from the California Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly. The quote is as follows: "The Delta variant is up to 60% more infectious than the Alpha strain but many times more infectious than the original Covid-19 strain. If you have been waiting to get vaccinated, now is the time." Local officials are advising people to get vaccinated because they claim the Delta variant is more infectious while at the same time they are telling us the Covid19 injections do not prevent infection from the Delta variant. Bryan Wheeler also had this to say about the Delta variant and viral load in those who have been vaccinated vs those who have not. "It doesn't care if you are vaccinated, If you're vaccinated and you get the strain, you have the same amount of virus in your nose and throat as someone who is unvaccinated" This is important to note because many studies on viral load correlate higher viral load with symptom severity as well as contagiousness. We must ask ourselves, why do we have Mono County public health officials and Mammoth Hospital representatives making the claim that, "if you are vaccinated, you are not going to get serious disease, hospitalization, and death". How can this be if both the vaccinated and unvaccinated will have the same amount of virus in them if they get the Delta strain? Making the claim that if you have been vaccinated for Covid19 and get the Delta variant you are not going to get serious disease, hospitalization and death is completely unfounded and does not have the evidence to back it up. Misrepresenting medical information is not only unprofessional but also illegal. Toward the end of the meeting Sheriff Ingrid Braun continued her crusade against those who can not or will not wear a mask. Whether someone chooses not to wear a mask for health, constitutional, scientific, or religious reasons Ingrid Braun does not seem to care. She had this to say about the recently reinstated mask mandate. "We're not looking to enforce the mask mandate, we're looking for people to comply, we're working on the education component and what we will enforce is when you are a jerk about it. When you refuse to leave a business and then you get arrested for trespassing, or you start yelling and screaming and then you get arrested for disturbing the peace, or if you decide to go hands on with somebody because they didn't like your not wearing a mask, then you get arrested for the battery" Sheriff Braun's comments on masks must add insult to injury for those who were sold the idea that getting the Covid-19 injections meant breathing freely without a mask once again. Regardless, her comments disregard individual rights, sow division and further fuel the segregation of our community. Would an honorable and just Sheriff disregard constitutional rights and promote unlawful discrimination? The officials of Mono County have officially resumed their fearmongering and disinformation campaign amidst the Delta variant hype! Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtL2IYoXYgU&t=2448s https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33127906/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430827/ http://monocounty.granicus.com/player/clip/715?publish_id=0e98ee1c-fac5-11eb-81b1-0050569183fa&redirect=true Brian Wheeler and Jennifer Kreitz medical misinformation and incompetence (video on left) A short clip of Mono County Director of Public Health Brian Wheeler and county Board of Supervisors member Jennifer Kreitz misrepresenting medical information to encourage people to take the Covid19 injections. They make misleading and unfounded claims that misinform the public that Covid19 injections prevent 99.99% of severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths in "breakthrough cases" from the "Delta" variant. Their claims do not even match the claims of their own power point presentation! (August 10th, 2021).
![]() The numbers are out, what do they tell us? Well Mammoth Group can't speak for everyone, but to us it looks pretty bad for those who fell into the hypnotic hype of fear churned out by the mainstream media. The World Health Organization, CDC, National Institutes of Health among others were way off the mark, yet again. Unfortunately, our media and journalists touted these organizations claims which were pure speculation and "models" which had no scientific basis of proof. For example, the W.H.O. claimed there was a 3.4% death rate from Covid-19. Nevertheless, without having the science to warrant it, unprecedented actions were taken by governors across the country. Lockdowns and mandates have left as many as 60 million or more Americans filing for unemployment1. Consequently millions of Americans are in forbearance on their mortgages and rent1 and at high risk for homelessness. There are estimates that more than half of all small businesses that closed during the lockdowns and mandates won't reopen again2. The socioeconomic damage done is immense and on a scale that is difficult to comprehend. The consequences from the over reaction to Covid-19 will without a doubt be felt for years to come. Angry and desperate people will be looking for answers and justice. A wave of lawsuits the likes the world has never seen is on the rise. Inevitably those who lost their businesses, jobs, and livelihoods will point the finger at the culprits. Health organizations, health officials, and government officials will have to defend their actions that had them sitting pretty while millions of people lost everything. Whatever you believed, you might want to take a close look at these numbers for probability of survival by age group. Are you still afraid of the "invisible enemy"? Do you still think the lockdowns, business closures, and ridiculous mandates are warranted? These numbers indicate Coivd-19 is exactly what many of us who have been ignored, silenced, and maligned by society have been saying all along. This is just another flu virus, show us the science that says otherwise! Mammoth Group demands Mono County end the Health Emergency. There never was legality for the health emergency and the continuation of it is absolutely unacceptable. Sources: https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/08/27/unemployment-claims-58-m-apply-unemployment-less-than-6-months/5624465002/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/more-than-half-of-businesses-that-closed-during-the-pandemic-won-t-reopen/ar-BB196ZI8 CDC Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html Emergency Powers Act: http://scocablog.com/the-governors-powers-under-the-emergency-services-act/ https://law.justia.com/codes/california/2018/code-gov/title-2/division-1/chapter-7/ ![]() In the image above, from top left to bottom right: Dan Holler, Town Manager for Mammoth Lakes; Bryan Wheeler, Mono County Public Health; Rob Patterson, Administrative Services/Finance Director at the Town of Mammoth Lakes; Dr. Craig Burrows, Chief Medical Officer at Mammoth Hospital; Dr. Tom Boo, Mono County Health Officer; Frank Frievalt, Fire Chief at Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District. On September 1st during the Mono County Board of Supervisors meeting a member of the public asked, "Are any panel members willing to go on record stating that 162 people getting sick, and two questionable deaths in Mono County from Covid-19 over 6 months qualifies as a health emergency?" No one on the panel answered the question. Again, two days later On September 3, 2020 during the Covid-19 Community Conversation, a member of the public also asked the same question, "Are any panel members willing to go on record stating that 162 people getting sick, and two questionable deaths in Mono County from Covid-19 over 6 months qualifies as a health emergency?" The six panel members mentioned above all went on record stating that Mono County is indeed experiencing a public health emergency. While explaining how 162 people and 2 questionable deaths from Covid-19 over six months qualifies as a health emergency, Dr. Boo responded with; "yes I'll go on record, I mean its a worldwide pandemic, and anybody who's.. you know following the course of the pandemic can see what it can do in other places" However, Dr. Boo failed to fully address the question that was asked in regards to Mono County. Do the numbers in Mono County qualify as a public health emergency? Apparently Dr. Boo thinks that if "other places" are in an epidemic, then Mono County should act as if we are also in an epidemic. This sets a dangerous precedent for what is considered to be a health emergency. Even when the current numbers and all observable evidence strongly suggest that there is no health emergency in Mono County. Second to respond was Dr. Burrows who said in support of his colleague; "I would second that, and say absolutely this is a pandemic, and frankly if we hadn't had the community participation and buy in compliance with everything we've asked everyone to do, those numbers would have been astronomically higher, let me emphasize ASTRONOMICALLY!" [Mammoth Group wonders if such a statement can be backed up with scientific data and facts] The country of Sweden's actions say otherwise. Interestingly, this was in stark contrast to what Dr. Burrows had said earlier in the meeting when Bryan Wheeler asked about the status of Mammoth Hospital. In response to that question, Dr Burrows said, "Sure, as of right now, like everywhere else around town, its pretty slow with respect to anything related to Covid." The third panel member to answer the question was Fire Chief at Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District, Frank Frievalt. Mr. Frievalt's response was, in short; "Please place me on the record as well, I'm not sure that it makes much of a difference, I'm pretty sure the governor announced the emergency, yeah absolutely I believe we're doing what we're supposed to do in terms of taking care of our community, its certainly been horrific for our economies but its been pretty horrific for families that have lost people as well, check around and a little bit and you'll find its reached someone closer than you think." Mr. Frievalt did not address the question and explain how 162 cases and 2 questionable deaths over six months qualifies as a health emergency. Mammoth Group question for Mr. Frievalt is: Given that you said that the health emergency has been horrific for our economies. Do you still think that the health emergency was and is warranted? The Fourth panel member to respond was Bryan Wheeler from Mono County Public Health. His response to the question was simply, "I too will go on the record". Mr Wheeler was also unable to answer the specifics of the question. The fifth panel member to reply to the question asked was Dan Holler. Mr Holler's response was, "I will go on the record with that as well for the challenges we have seen and from a personal level having a family member who had gone through the disease and you know fairly significantly impacted, its no joking matter." He also said, "given all the numbers and everything floating around but, I would go on the record with everybody else saying, YES we have a health emergency within our communities, uh Mammoth Lakes." It seems that Dan Holler is of the belief that anytime around 162 cases, and two deaths, over six months in Mono County means that we are in a health emergency. Despite the low amount of cases over six months, apparently, Mr. Holler believes we have been and may always be in a state of health emergency. So remember folks, anytime down the road, whenever 160 or so people get sick over six months from influenza or other illnesses, Dan Holler and his colleague's can claim we are in a health emergency. The sixth and final member to go on record to answer the question was Rob Paterson. Mr. Patterson's response was in short, "Yeah I think we've already covered pretty much everybody has gone on the record here, I think that the folks that are on this panel tonight are the ones who are really on the front lines most of the time and we do believe wholeheartedly in that." Curiously, nobody from the Mono County Emergency Operations Center, the lead authority on Covid-19 was willing to go on record and answer the question asked. Some other panel members that were present who chose not to go on record and answer the question were; Stuart Brown,(Recreation Manager at Town of Mammoth Lakes, also the Covid-19 community meeting briefer.) Also, Sheriff Ingrid Braun and Police Chief Al Davis opted not to respond to the member of the public's question. In conclusion, Mammoth Group looks at the Covid-19 statistics for Mono County and we are scratching our heads trying to understand how the numbers warrant the declared health emergency. Perhaps when more data is collected it will shine more light as to the true nature of the emergency. For those panel members who went on record stating that there is indeed a health emergency in Mono County, we hope for your sake, that you know what you're talking about. As far as Mammoth Group is concerned, there is no sufficient proof that Mono County is experiencing a health emergency. Which leads us to believe that this is nothing less than disaster fraud and that is a serious crime to be involved with. Sources:Mono County sources: https://monocounty.granicus.com/player/clip/552?publish_id=1a47e685-ed5d-11ea-b6a9-0050569183fa&redirect=true [timestamp on video link: 3:12:13 - 3:14:15] https://www.monocounty.ca.gov/bos/page/board-supervisors-86 Article Sources: https://thefederalist.com/2020/08/10/new-study-finds-swedens-refusal-to-lock-down-saved-the-economy-without-sacrificing-lives/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhEeAjuHLQg&t=1321s [timestamp on video link: 27:53-34:34] https://coronavirus.monocounty.ca.gov/ ![]() The economic behemoth that is the CARES Act has become a common topic among the public, as well as local, state, and federal governments across the country. The economic devastation that has occurred in the name of public health has spurred massive losses across most sectors of business. Don't fear however, the CARES Act money will make everything better. Assuming you are one of the lucky ones to get access to the limited funds provided. Ready, set, go! The CARES Act money won't be around for long, in fact its spending eligibility ends on December 30th, 2020. Whatever isn't spent is sent back to the treasury never to be seen again. At least not under the CARES Act. The race has begun, and the applicants for CARES Act money are growing in number faster than the money can be printed, or typed into existence. Will you be one of the winners? Or will you join the ever expanding number of losers who already lost their businesses, jobs, and livelihoods due to the Covid-19 lock downs and mandates. Sources: https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/cares/state-and-local-governments https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/Coronavirus-Relief-Fund-Frequently-Asked-Questions.pdf Local References: Town of Mammoth Lakes; Item 10 on link: https://granicus_production_attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/mammothlakes/6bece8391b36ad2a0fdb0111edf7c6890.pdf Mono County; Page 6 Item 11.A on link: https://monocounty.ca.gov/sites/default/files/fileattachments/board_of_supervisors/meeting/30473/08_aug_18_2020_agenda_only.pdf |
AuthorWilliam Wallace Archives
December 2022
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